These are the same Indian Surnames. If you do not believe it, go and read the Background Blog.
How many people today in the 21st Century are educated? I mean not really educated but went to college and got a stamp of a degree? And how many of us are really trained in classical languages or care for it? We just abstract things out to simple conclusions to go by our lives.
But here are the names of lost brethren. Only for late decades, has the Western History accepted that the world was not 5000 years old! Many ancients, specially with spiritual inclination and not caring for the notoriety in the posterity, did not care of history. India was one of those countries. Then people struggling for survival really do not care for history. So the immigrants from the ancient land of India, did not really care to preserve from where they came.
For example, I would not even know the history of my grandfathers, let alone their ancestors.
Checkout the names in Google. Thanks Google, now we can see the commonness among each other - the World is One Big Family! That is why there is the saying in Sanskrit, Vasudhaiv Kutumbikam, “the world is one family”.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sandy and Shavonnye - Sandhyaa and Shivaani
Sandhiyaa-> Sand(h)iya -> Sand(h)iy -> Sand(h)i -> Sand(h)y -> Sandy
If you stay here for ever and have your lineage remember your name "Sandhya", with all known corruption and rules of sound, the name would become Sandy.
I have applied all known rules of Sanskrit and Lingusitcs.
Shiva-Yoni means the Female Counterpart of the Shiva-Lingam, the Male Principle.
Western Corruption
Shiva-Yoni -> Shivyoni -> Shavyone ->Shavonne -> Shavonnye
Indian Corruption -
Shiva-Yoni -> Shivayoni ->Shivyoni -> Shivoni -> Shibani -> Shibaani -> Shivaani
o -> au (well known Sanskrit Sandhi rule)
y + o -> y + au -> y + a - > ya (well known Sanskrit vowel Sandhi Rule)
va + ya -> v + y + a -> v + a ( colliquising of the vowels by the common masses who are uninitiated into grammer and linguistics).
If you stay here for ever and have your lineage remember your name "Sandhya", with all known corruption and rules of sound, the name would become Sandy.
I have applied all known rules of Sanskrit and Lingusitcs.
Shiva-Yoni means the Female Counterpart of the Shiva-Lingam, the Male Principle.
Western Corruption
Shiva-Yoni -> Shivyoni -> Shavyone ->Shavonne -> Shavonnye
Indian Corruption -
Shiva-Yoni -> Shivayoni ->Shivyoni -> Shivoni -> Shibani -> Shibaani -> Shivaani
o -> au (well known Sanskrit Sandhi rule)
y + o -> y + au -> y + a - > ya (well known Sanskrit vowel Sandhi Rule)
va + ya -> v + y + a -> v + a ( colliquising of the vowels by the common masses who are uninitiated into grammer and linguistics).
Friday, March 14, 2008
Margan, Mergan, Murgan, Morgan, Marghan, Merghan, Murghan, Morghan,and Murgan
It so interesting to see the DNA marks left in these last names. As said before, India is a very ancient civilization with a global influence and sea trading. Then it saw 1200 years of upheaval and many people must have migrated out or driven out.
Mangia, Mungia, Mungia, Manguia, Menguia, Munguia , Monguia, Manghia, Menghia, Munghia, Monghia, and Mongia
This morning I came across a lady's last name as "Mangia", and immediately I recalled
a class mate of mine with the last name as "Mongia".
Knowing common masses, mix up the vowels, like many regional language speaking folks in India, one can see that they are all related. If you do not believe it, go and read the Backgrond in the Parent Blog, and see what others have to say.
This world is a one big family, with all migration going on for ages.
a class mate of mine with the last name as "Mongia".
Knowing common masses, mix up the vowels, like many regional language speaking folks in India, one can see that they are all related. If you do not believe it, go and read the Backgrond in the Parent Blog, and see what others have to say.
This world is a one big family, with all migration going on for ages.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Casimir and Kashmir
Know for sure that the civilizations have come and gone, and we hardly know about their history. Much of the human movement and settlement has gone unrecorded as man at that time did not have the luxury of indulgence in things not related to survival in their day to day existence. Ask any person who has no interest in the things I post - because they do not care and do not have time. Only when you come out of the trap-well called the present, no pun intended, then one reflects on things like past and future events that relate to the humans, besides himself.
Please read the Background and the Guiding Philosophy. There is enough proof and co-relation of facts, if one does a statistical regression. Also document all known syllables, and take the probabilities of the sounds happening together in different combinations, and you will get the answer. The fact that like-wise words are found in different places, indicates human-interaction between the places.
Casimir is a last name as in "Hendrik Casimir" or Casimere in "Corey Casimere"
Kashmir is the name of state in India, and many people have names go by Kashmiri, Kasi-Meer.
Word mentioned in Anacalypsis
"K" and "C" get mixed up in the English transliteration and has overloaded sounds, "Cat" and "Champ".
"S" and "Sh" get mixed up becuse of aspiration tendency of Europeans and Americans.
"E" and "I" are the same, as "E" is overloaded as "Hey", "Sell", "Meet", where you can see "e" is "ai", "e" is like "a" and "ee" is like "ii" respectively of Sanskrit.
Meer, Mir, and Miir, are same, which in Sanskrit means, "Ocean, Limit, Boundary, Mountain".
Now feminine name will be formed by adding "a", which beccomes, "Meera" or "Miira", "Mira", assuming "r" as a built sound of "a".
Now Kashi was a well known place of learning from the ancient times, and Kashmir was a swampy mountaineous place reclaimed by Rishi Kashyap (there is more than that which I need to dig), and it also became a seat of learning for people from the West Asia.
So a place which becomes the source, or the limit, or the ocean, or the mountain of the Knowledge, or the Fountain Head of the knowlege is called "Kashimir"!
Now later the word "Meer" became an addressing of honour, like the word "Sir", perhaps designating a person's stature as an educated person and knowledge. In the ancient times there was more respect given to knowledge and learning than the material belongings one had.
Please read the Background and the Guiding Philosophy. There is enough proof and co-relation of facts, if one does a statistical regression. Also document all known syllables, and take the probabilities of the sounds happening together in different combinations, and you will get the answer. The fact that like-wise words are found in different places, indicates human-interaction between the places.
Casimir is a last name as in "Hendrik Casimir" or Casimere in "Corey Casimere"
Kashmir is the name of state in India, and many people have names go by Kashmiri, Kasi-Meer.
"K" and "C" get mixed up in the English transliteration and has overloaded sounds, "Cat" and "Champ".
"S" and "Sh" get mixed up becuse of aspiration tendency of Europeans and Americans.
"E" and "I" are the same, as "E" is overloaded as "Hey", "Sell", "Meet", where you can see "e" is "ai", "e" is like "a" and "ee" is like "ii" respectively of Sanskrit.
Meer, Mir, and Miir, are same, which in Sanskrit means, "Ocean, Limit, Boundary, Mountain".
Now feminine name will be formed by adding "a", which beccomes, "Meera" or "Miira", "Mira", assuming "r" as a built sound of "a".
Now Kashi was a well known place of learning from the ancient times, and Kashmir was a swampy mountaineous place reclaimed by Rishi Kashyap (there is more than that which I need to dig), and it also became a seat of learning for people from the West Asia.
So a place which becomes the source, or the limit, or the ocean, or the mountain of the Knowledge, or the Fountain Head of the knowlege is called "Kashimir"!
Now later the word "Meer" became an addressing of honour, like the word "Sir", perhaps designating a person's stature as an educated person and knowledge. In the ancient times there was more respect given to knowledge and learning than the material belongings one had.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Angiogenesis - aNg + IH + jana + iSis
Angiogenesis - Cellular Division for Cell Growth
aNg or aG, where G is Guttural Nasal (like in aNGer), or N is Palatal Nasal (like in muNch) means Body or part of Body.
I - used to make compounds. So it would become 'aNg-I' like in "aNg-I-kR" (done by the body).
"H" - to make it a Simple Subjective Singular Person Nound - like Rama and RamaH.
Or we take this as "i + aH" to make it a Genetic or Ablative Case (Ram's or From Ram).
So we get "aNgIh". and when we meet a soft sound, it would become "iO".
jana - to generate. (there is a word called 'janayet' which means to generate!)
iSi, iSir or eSi - meaning (1) To Desire (2) Refreshing, Flourishing, Vigorous, (3) Seeking. Striving and the Striver is eSiTR, eSiTaa, eSiTra for generic root, Singular Subjective and the root for other cases, which means Striver - like PitR, Pitaa, Pitra for Father.
So to make it a Singular, one would add "h" sound to the compound. Now this can be made into "r" as we see in 'eSir' and into "s" or "S" as we have"Si" sound before. So it becomes "eSiS" or "iSiS".
The compound means: "Body or Of Body or From Body" + "Generate" + "Desired, Refreshing, Flourishing, Striving", which fits the description of the word.
aNg or aG, where G is Guttural Nasal (like in aNGer), or N is Palatal Nasal (like in muNch) means Body or part of Body.
I - used to make compounds. So it would become 'aNg-I' like in "aNg-I-kR" (done by the body).
"H" - to make it a Simple Subjective Singular Person Nound - like Rama and RamaH.
Or we take this as "i + aH" to make it a Genetic or Ablative Case (Ram's or From Ram).
So we get "aNgIh". and when we meet a soft sound, it would become "iO".
jana - to generate. (there is a word called 'janayet' which means to generate!)
iSi, iSir or eSi - meaning (1) To Desire (2) Refreshing, Flourishing, Vigorous, (3) Seeking. Striving and the Striver is eSiTR, eSiTaa, eSiTra for generic root, Singular Subjective and the root for other cases, which means Striver - like PitR, Pitaa, Pitra for Father.
So to make it a Singular, one would add "h" sound to the compound. Now this can be made into "r" as we see in 'eSir' and into "s" or "S" as we have"Si" sound before. So it becomes "eSiS" or "iSiS".
The compound means: "Body or Of Body or From Body" + "Generate" + "Desired, Refreshing, Flourishing, Striving", which fits the description of the word.
Revisiting Makar Business
Mark Marchand Marachand Barcand talks about how the words go to "Makar Samkranti".
From Wikipedia:
Zodiacal Constellations
Aries (0°) (The Ram)
Taurus (30°) (The Bull)
Gemini (60°) (The Twins)
Cancer (90°) (The Crab)
Leo (120°) (The Lion)
Virgo (150°) (The Virgin)
Libra (180°) (The Scale)
Scorpio (210°) (The Scorpion)
Sagittarius (240°) (The Centaur)
Capricorn (270°) (The Sea-goat)
Aquarius (300°) (The Pitcher)
Pisces (330°) (The Fish)
Indian Zodiac
Traditional Hindu astrology has a sidereal coordinate zodiac system with twelve signs. The names of the Hindu zodiacal signs, or rāśis, are similar to Graeco-Babylonian signs:
1. meṣa "ram" (Aries)
2. vṛṣabha "bull" (Taurus)
3. mithuna "a pair" (Gemini)
4. karka "crab" (Cancer)
5. siṃha "lion" (Leo)
6. kanyā "girl" (Virgo)
7. tula, from tulā "balance" (Libra)
8. vrushchik "scorpion" (Scorpius), also kaurpi, loaned from the Greek
9. kārmuka, cāpa, dhanus "bow, arc", cāpin "armed with a bow" (Sagittarius)
10. eṇa, mṛga "antelope", also makara "sea-monster" (Capricornus)
11. kumbha "pitcher, water-pot" (Aquarius)
12. matsya "fish", also jhaṣa, timi, mīna after specific kinds of fish (Pisces)
This "Hindu zodiac" (adhvan, rāśi) thus has similarities to Greek zodiac. The Graeco-Babylonian system of twelve signs overlays the native Hindu system of nine grahas or planets.
Just checked the Zodiac Signs for India and Western Astrology. My quest was to determine how old could be this festival of "Makar Samkranti".
Capricorn is Jan, and the Indian Makar Rishi is approximately aligned with the Zodiac Aquarius, which is next to Capricorn, so around Feb.
So the event shifted by 1 month - if one takes the meaning of the event as the "completion of 1/12th sign of the Zodiac".
The ancients took the precession of the Earth as 60 to 72 degrees per year, which makes this festival approx 180o to 2160 years old.
If one takes this event as end of the Sun's journey south-ward bound, and it's starting of the upward journey, the Summer Solstices point, which is around Jun 21 now, but was in Capricorn (based on Western Zodiac) or Aquarius (based on Indian Zodiac) when this festival started. It would mean precession of 4 months! This is going backwards in time from Jan to June. That makes this festival 3600 to 8640 years old!
Interestingly the festival is accompanied by people waiting for the sunrise and taking bath in the rivers all over India. The Sun worshipers would take the Sun as the Father Principle and imagine that the Sun has vanished and worship its return journey north-ward bound (this is/was an Indo European Festival).
And also, I remember my maternal Grand mother making us a Sesame Seeds Sugar/Molasses Brittle (called as Chakki in India) in a shape of a "Goat or Ram" and we would cut it and make the noise of "Mea..Mea", symbolizing the sacrifice of the Goat!
I have read that the Summer Solstice shifted from May to April, and people shifted the object of veneration from Bull to Ram. So it seems there are more than 2 associations and both seem to be connected!
This is a well documented fact and we can not just rely on the Western Zodiac completely as it was not taking into account the Precession. So we will take the "drifting of this event" from Aries (April) to Aquarius (Jan) (and not from May to Jan) So the precession from April to Jan is now 3 months, and this would make this festival to be 6480 to 5400 years old!
I would go by 5400 years, which makes this around 3400 BC, which is the time of big epoch transition - from the Dwarpa to the Kala Yuga, or from the Bronze to the Iron Age, as the Westerners call it.
It seems the knowledge of the precession evolved from that of 60 years to a degree to 72 years to a degree. So using 60 makes more sense.
Now another interesting observation. The Indian God Ram, was an object of veneration of the Sun or Male Principle. So is there a third connection between "Aries Ram", when the Summer Solstice was in April, and "Ayodhya Ram" when he was born - since both of them are connected?
Interestingly, the birth of Krisha is supposed to be 3228 BC who is considered an Avatar or Reincarnation of Ram or the Vishnu principle?
Many places it is assumed that the precession was taken to be 58 years to 1 degree. If one takes that, it comes close to 3212 BC!
Sure this makes it an interesting conjecture that the festival is as old as Mahabharat and one can safely assume that, knowing that the Indian civilization has continued without any interruption and banishment!
From Wikipedia:
Zodiacal Constellations
Aries (0°) (The Ram)
Taurus (30°) (The Bull)
Gemini (60°) (The Twins)
Cancer (90°) (The Crab)
Leo (120°) (The Lion)
Virgo (150°) (The Virgin)
Libra (180°) (The Scale)
Scorpio (210°) (The Scorpion)
Sagittarius (240°) (The Centaur)
Capricorn (270°) (The Sea-goat)
Aquarius (300°) (The Pitcher)
Pisces (330°) (The Fish)
Indian Zodiac
Traditional Hindu astrology has a sidereal coordinate zodiac system with twelve signs. The names of the Hindu zodiacal signs, or rāśis, are similar to Graeco-Babylonian signs:
1. meṣa "ram" (Aries)
2. vṛṣabha "bull" (Taurus)
3. mithuna "a pair" (Gemini)
4. karka "crab" (Cancer)
5. siṃha "lion" (Leo)
6. kanyā "girl" (Virgo)
7. tula, from tulā "balance" (Libra)
8. vrushchik "scorpion" (Scorpius), also kaurpi, loaned from the Greek
9. kārmuka, cāpa, dhanus "bow, arc", cāpin "armed with a bow" (Sagittarius)
10. eṇa, mṛga "antelope", also makara "sea-monster" (Capricornus)
11. kumbha "pitcher, water-pot" (Aquarius)
12. matsya "fish", also jhaṣa, timi, mīna after specific kinds of fish (Pisces)
This "Hindu zodiac" (adhvan, rāśi) thus has similarities to Greek zodiac. The Graeco-Babylonian system of twelve signs overlays the native Hindu system of nine grahas or planets.
Just checked the Zodiac Signs for India and Western Astrology. My quest was to determine how old could be this festival of "Makar Samkranti".
Capricorn is Jan, and the Indian Makar Rishi is approximately aligned with the Zodiac Aquarius, which is next to Capricorn, so around Feb.
So the event shifted by 1 month - if one takes the meaning of the event as the "completion of 1/12th sign of the Zodiac".
The ancients took the precession of the Earth as 60 to 72 degrees per year, which makes this festival approx 180o to 2160 years old.
If one takes this event as end of the Sun's journey south-ward bound, and it's starting of the upward journey, the Summer Solstices point, which is around Jun 21 now, but was in Capricorn (based on Western Zodiac) or Aquarius (based on Indian Zodiac) when this festival started. It would mean precession of 4 months! This is going backwards in time from Jan to June. That makes this festival 3600 to 8640 years old!
Interestingly the festival is accompanied by people waiting for the sunrise and taking bath in the rivers all over India. The Sun worshipers would take the Sun as the Father Principle and imagine that the Sun has vanished and worship its return journey north-ward bound (this is/was an Indo European Festival).
And also, I remember my maternal Grand mother making us a Sesame Seeds Sugar/Molasses Brittle (called as Chakki in India) in a shape of a "Goat or Ram" and we would cut it and make the noise of "Mea..Mea", symbolizing the sacrifice of the Goat!
I have read that the Summer Solstice shifted from May to April, and people shifted the object of veneration from Bull to Ram. So it seems there are more than 2 associations and both seem to be connected!
This is a well documented fact and we can not just rely on the Western Zodiac completely as it was not taking into account the Precession. So we will take the "drifting of this event" from Aries (April) to Aquarius (Jan) (and not from May to Jan) So the precession from April to Jan is now 3 months, and this would make this festival to be 6480 to 5400 years old!
I would go by 5400 years, which makes this around 3400 BC, which is the time of big epoch transition - from the Dwarpa to the Kala Yuga, or from the Bronze to the Iron Age, as the Westerners call it.
It seems the knowledge of the precession evolved from that of 60 years to a degree to 72 years to a degree. So using 60 makes more sense.
Now another interesting observation. The Indian God Ram, was an object of veneration of the Sun or Male Principle. So is there a third connection between "Aries Ram", when the Summer Solstice was in April, and "Ayodhya Ram" when he was born - since both of them are connected?
Interestingly, the birth of Krisha is supposed to be 3228 BC who is considered an Avatar or Reincarnation of Ram or the Vishnu principle?
Many places it is assumed that the precession was taken to be 58 years to 1 degree. If one takes that, it comes close to 3212 BC!
Sure this makes it an interesting conjecture that the festival is as old as Mahabharat and one can safely assume that, knowing that the Indian civilization has continued without any interruption and banishment!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
London School Using Sanskrit To Help Kids Learn Math, Science and Other Languages

The same principle I used to help my son recover from his Head Injury Loss of 1/3 Brain from 3 places on the right side - since last 13 years and before this news clipping.
Three Psychologists had ruled that he will never be able to study - lest expect him to excel above the average - as he could not even follow any simple instructions, like for drawing a line, joining two points, do any simple spatial moves like turning around, as he had a loss of Visual and Auditory Short Term Memory, loss of Sequencing Ability, loss of the right ear hearing, loss of ability to focus with the right side eye, loss of the left eye neural vision, loss of the Vision Field on the left side of more than 90 Degrees (he wound bump into wall corners at middle of his forehead), loss of context switching ability and loss of Short-Term Memory.
Today he goes to 40th Top US High School and gets A's (>80%) and B's (>90%). He is the same kid whose Glasgow Coma Scale was of 3, that of a dead person (15 if you are alive and healthy), and his body paralyzed from the left side with the back and the neck control gone, and the doctors refusing to attend as he was clinically "gone" - no blood in the body, no pulse, no pupil dilation to light, and no verbal, motor, auditory or visual response. This was in Kanpur, India, in 1996, and his chances of "transition" were 98% and Comatose at "2%". The Neuro Surgeon was forced to do the operation (after a shouting match with my elder brother and some verbal threats exchanged as part of the melodrama that took place in the Emergency Ward) without any fear of retributions, blame or responsibility (as this is India were life is cheap, no protocol or laws honored, and doctors need to worry about other issues like reputation, social back-lash specially when a small kid is involved, etc.). He was put on all artificial life support to give a shot. The doctor who performs Christopher Reeve's like operation single handed, unlike the 3 US Counterparts doing the same, had his hands shaking and preying to God - as told by him to his Maternal Grand Father. His head was swollen 5 times as he had suffered Open and Compound Multiple Fractures and Concussions on all sides, besides the brain loss.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Utopia,, Dystopia, Ethiopia, Myopia, Amblyopuia, Asthenopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia, Sophia - Hindi/Sanskrit - Dust Upaya,
dystopia (dis-TO-pee-uh) noun
An imaginary place where everything is very bad, as from oppression, disease, deprivation, etc.
[From Greek dys- (bad) + utopia (an ideal place). Modeled after Utopia, the word utopia is from Greek ou (not) + topos (place).]
The above is as per Anu Garg.
No my break up is as follows:
a. Utopia -> Ut+ op + ia -> Uta + up + ia -> Uta + Upa + ia -> Uta + Upa + Ay
Remember Sanskrit does not have build in "a" sound but English has - that is why
Ram becomes Rama.
Adjective form in English - Uta + Upa + Ay + Ia and in Sanskrit it is
Uta + Upa + Ay + Iya -> Uta + Upa + Ay + Yya -> Uta + Upa + Ay + ya -> Uta + Upa
+ Aya (In -> Utopa + Ia -> Utopia. We have followed all Sanskrit rules here.
"I" is the root for to go. So it becomes "y" and "ay" and "ya" - by Samprasanna
rule, which is the degradation rule of a vowel - going reverse from stronger version
to weaker version.
"Ut" means Up or Above, "Up" means Going Away, Towards, and Ay means going. Heaven
is an Utopia where all things are going smoothly.
In Sanskrit and Hindi there is a word called "Upaaya" which means Method or Means.
"Torwards" + "Going" - so it is not breaking any rules or meanings either in English
or Sanskrit.
b. Dystopia - Dys + ta + Up + Ia/Ay (we will not explain now the last part).
Dys - > same as Dus (vowel corruption) - meaning bad.
ta -> One rule is when Siblants from Dental, Palatal and Cerebral sounds meet a soft
sound like that of a vowel, than it would need "ta" sound.
c. Ethiopia - > Iti + aa + Up + Ia -> Thus + Utopia or Upaya - > It is said that
Ethiopia was at one time a very rich land with a lot of Gold that was supplied to Egypt.
d. Myopia - bad vision or can not see things far away -> Ma + i + Upia -> Not + Go +
Basically the word 'Maya" is connected here, which means that whish is not real.
:Ma + Aya+ iya" - Not + Goes/Moves + Ness - > That is Maya!
e. Amblyopia -> Lazy Eye -> A + Ma + Bhl + Iya + Up + Ia - There are two adjectives and two compounds. Now "B" becomes "Bh" with aspiration rule observed. Now vowels R (ri), RR (rii), and LR (lri) are interchangable with tendency of dropping LR into R more often as the time progressed. So it becomes A + Ma + BhR + Iya" -> Not + Not + Moves/Expands/ Support/Grown/Bear + Adjective Suffix in Sanskrit. Mind it "Bhr" is connected to "Bhar" in Hindi, which is to Fill, "Bharat" as the ancient name of India, which is "One that has Supported or Grown Big", "BhRt" or "Brother", which means "one who grows with you and supports you", "Brat" - taking a vulgur meaning of "someone out of control", and also connected with Breast, Bra, and Bear. In Sanskrit sometimes two negatives are used to come to a deeper and subtle opposite meaning. So here it means an "eye" that is dysfunctional!
f. Asthenopia -> Red/Irritable/Bothering Eye -> A + Stha + Ina + Up + Ia. Again this is a compound of two Adjectives. We focus on the first Compound. "Ina" is also a suffix for Adjective or Adverb Noun (that modifies a Noun to a different but related Noun) like "Namak" and "Namakin". So it means "Not + Stable + Ness", which means what it means.
g. Hyperopia - Long sightedness - one who can not see near. "Hi + A + Per + Ut + Up + Ia". "Per" is from room "Pri" - which means capable or able. "Pri" becoms "Pir" by one of the rules, and it then becomes a strong version, as "Per". Also it is same as "Hi + A + Ap + Per + Ut + Up + Ia". Here the two "As" and "Ps" which are together we coalesce by one of the rules, and it means opposite of "Ut" or "Away", which is "Down", "Back", or "Near". So it becomes "Even + Not + Near + Capable + Away + Towards + Go + Suffix for Adjective".
h. Presbyopia - Eye vision problems with progression of age. Pra + iS + BhR + Up + Ia. We will skip the rules as they are repeated before and also skip the last suffix. So it becomes "Pra + iS + Bhri" -> "Pra + iS + Bhir" -> "Pra + iS + Bir". Cereberal 'S' will become palatal "sh" and "r" can optionally dropped as it is serving as silent "h" or Visarga, which is also "s", "sh" and "ch" and also joining a soft sound which is a vowel. Like Ramah and Rama. So it means "Self Forth/Forward + Pourout/ Castaway /Discharge + Support". We can see the meaning comes close.
i. Sophia - Su + Pha + Ia -> Su + Pa + Ia -> "Good" + "Begotten" Which
means one who is bestowed with good virtues.
An imaginary place where everything is very bad, as from oppression, disease, deprivation, etc.
[From Greek dys- (bad) + utopia (an ideal place). Modeled after Utopia, the word utopia is from Greek ou (not) + topos (place).]
The above is as per Anu Garg.
No my break up is as follows:
a. Utopia -> Ut+ op + ia -> Uta + up + ia -> Uta + Upa + ia -> Uta + Upa + Ay
Remember Sanskrit does not have build in "a" sound but English has - that is why
Ram becomes Rama.
Adjective form in English - Uta + Upa + Ay + Ia and in Sanskrit it is
Uta + Upa + Ay + Iya -> Uta + Upa + Ay + Yya -> Uta + Upa + Ay + ya -> Uta + Upa
+ Aya (In -> Utopa + Ia -> Utopia. We have followed all Sanskrit rules here.
"I" is the root for to go. So it becomes "y" and "ay" and "ya" - by Samprasanna
rule, which is the degradation rule of a vowel - going reverse from stronger version
to weaker version.
"Ut" means Up or Above, "Up" means Going Away, Towards, and Ay means going. Heaven
is an Utopia where all things are going smoothly.
In Sanskrit and Hindi there is a word called "Upaaya" which means Method or Means.
"Torwards" + "Going" - so it is not breaking any rules or meanings either in English
or Sanskrit.
b. Dystopia - Dys + ta + Up + Ia/Ay (we will not explain now the last part).
Dys - > same as Dus (vowel corruption) - meaning bad.
ta -> One rule is when Siblants from Dental, Palatal and Cerebral sounds meet a soft
sound like that of a vowel, than it would need "ta" sound.
c. Ethiopia - > Iti + aa + Up + Ia -> Thus + Utopia or Upaya - > It is said that
Ethiopia was at one time a very rich land with a lot of Gold that was supplied to Egypt.
d. Myopia - bad vision or can not see things far away -> Ma + i + Upia -> Not + Go +
Basically the word 'Maya" is connected here, which means that whish is not real.
:Ma + Aya+ iya" - Not + Goes/Moves + Ness - > That is Maya!
e. Amblyopia -> Lazy Eye -> A + Ma + Bhl + Iya + Up + Ia - There are two adjectives and two compounds. Now "B" becomes "Bh" with aspiration rule observed. Now vowels R (ri), RR (rii), and LR (lri) are interchangable with tendency of dropping LR into R more often as the time progressed. So it becomes A + Ma + BhR + Iya" -> Not + Not + Moves/Expands/ Support/Grown/Bear + Adjective Suffix in Sanskrit. Mind it "Bhr" is connected to "Bhar" in Hindi, which is to Fill, "Bharat" as the ancient name of India, which is "One that has Supported or Grown Big", "BhRt" or "Brother", which means "one who grows with you and supports you", "Brat" - taking a vulgur meaning of "someone out of control", and also connected with Breast, Bra, and Bear. In Sanskrit sometimes two negatives are used to come to a deeper and subtle opposite meaning. So here it means an "eye" that is dysfunctional!
f. Asthenopia -> Red/Irritable/Bothering Eye -> A + Stha + Ina + Up + Ia. Again this is a compound of two Adjectives. We focus on the first Compound. "Ina" is also a suffix for Adjective or Adverb Noun (that modifies a Noun to a different but related Noun) like "Namak" and "Namakin". So it means "Not + Stable + Ness", which means what it means.
g. Hyperopia - Long sightedness - one who can not see near. "Hi + A + Per + Ut + Up + Ia". "Per" is from room "Pri" - which means capable or able. "Pri" becoms "Pir" by one of the rules, and it then becomes a strong version, as "Per". Also it is same as "Hi + A + Ap + Per + Ut + Up + Ia". Here the two "As" and "Ps" which are together we coalesce by one of the rules, and it means opposite of "Ut" or "Away", which is "Down", "Back", or "Near". So it becomes "Even + Not + Near + Capable + Away + Towards + Go + Suffix for Adjective".
h. Presbyopia - Eye vision problems with progression of age. Pra + iS + BhR + Up + Ia. We will skip the rules as they are repeated before and also skip the last suffix. So it becomes "Pra + iS + Bhri" -> "Pra + iS + Bhir" -> "Pra + iS + Bir". Cereberal 'S' will become palatal "sh" and "r" can optionally dropped as it is serving as silent "h" or Visarga, which is also "s", "sh" and "ch" and also joining a soft sound which is a vowel. Like Ramah and Rama. So it means "Self Forth/Forward + Pourout/ Castaway /Discharge + Support". We can see the meaning comes close.
i. Sophia - Su + Pha + Ia -> Su + Pa + Ia -> "Good" + "Begotten" Which
means one who is bestowed with good virtues.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Yasmin and Jasmin, Yamuna and Jamuna, Yeshu and Jeshu
For some reasons, "Surya" or "Brahman" say "J" as I" or "Y", both which are equivalent. "I" is pure vowel and "Y" is a semi-vowel, which is formed by "Samaprassana" principle (degradation of vowel in opposite direction - instead from "U" to "O", "I" to "E", now it is "O" to "U", "E" or "I" to "Y", and so on). And Semitic, "A-Surya" or "A-Brahman-ic>" (Palis or people following Buddhism/Jainism kind of Monotheism and expelled from India in waves by the and hence the name of Palestine as (in fact Spelling Correction would also suggest Palestine as the correct spelling - reinforcing the modern westernized view of the name". Please note that they say their were many incarnation of Buddhas like the way their were many incarnations of Vishnu).
Jasmin - will be Yasmin, which is also a Personal 3rd Person Pronoun with a Locative Case - like "In Whom" or "On Whom".
Jamuna - River next to Taj Mahal as called by Moguls, and called by Hindus as Yamnua.
Jeshu - Name of Christ and other Prophets. Isheu, Esheu, Yeshu is basically "Ya-Ishu", which is "Yeshu", meaning "the One who id Desired", which is God.
Please also lookup the following Postings:
"Syria And Asyria - Brahman And Abrahman"
"Isis Jesus Isaa Isha Isha-Masi"
Jasmin - will be Yasmin, which is also a Personal 3rd Person Pronoun with a Locative Case - like "In Whom" or "On Whom".
Jamuna - River next to Taj Mahal as called by Moguls, and called by Hindus as Yamnua.
Jeshu - Name of Christ and other Prophets. Isheu, Esheu, Yeshu is basically "Ya-Ishu", which is "Yeshu", meaning "the One who id Desired", which is God.
Please also lookup the following Postings:
Russian Medvedev and Sanskrit Mahadev Dev, Maha Dve Dev, and Mahdhav
Just have someone from Russia try to speak:
(1) Mahadev Dev fast.
(2) Maha Dve Dev
(3) Mahdhav Dev
Rules observed:
(1) M can become Mh - westerners tend to aspirate more and even seen among First Generation Indian Kids. For them "K" and "Kh", "G" and "Gh" are two sounds are same.
(2) "A" can become "E" - Just see the variations of "Ram" with different meanings.
(3) "Dev" can become "Dve"or it may just be "dve" meaning two.
(4) "D" can become "Dh"
So it could be "Maha Dve Dev", meaning "Grat Two Lords", or it could be just "Mahadev Dev", or Mahdhav - which is an epithet of Krishna, incarnation of Vishnu, and interestingly Shiva is called Mahadev, and there have been two major divisions of worships, called "Vaishnavites" and "Shaivaites".
Now read the posting on Shiva In Europe
(1) Mahadev Dev fast.
(2) Maha Dve Dev
(3) Mahdhav Dev
Rules observed:
(1) M can become Mh - westerners tend to aspirate more and even seen among First Generation Indian Kids. For them "K" and "Kh", "G" and "Gh" are two sounds are same.
(2) "A" can become "E" - Just see the variations of "Ram" with different meanings.
(3) "Dev" can become "Dve"or it may just be "dve" meaning two.
(4) "D" can become "Dh"
So it could be "Maha Dve Dev", meaning "Grat Two Lords", or it could be just "Mahadev Dev", or Mahdhav - which is an epithet of Krishna, incarnation of Vishnu, and interestingly Shiva is called Mahadev, and there have been two major divisions of worships, called "Vaishnavites" and "Shaivaites".
Now read the posting on Shiva In Europe
Armenia's Sivas City and Indian's Shiva
This is a city is Armenia.
It is not surprising that "A-Rama-n-ia" means the one which do not worship Rama - like the Rama-n-ia". Ignore the 'n" as in "Atma" and "Atman", and "Rama" and "Raman". One is Singular and weak form and the other is Plural and Strong Form.
There are two of major camps of ancient worships, "Vaishvainites" and "Shaivites". I will one day also write about "Vaishvanites" spread till Egypt, Arabia and even Italy! Ram is from the Vaishvanites camp, he being the incarnation of Lord
Now read the following articles:
This is a city is Armenia.
It is not surprising that "A-Rama-n-ia" means the one which do not worship Rama - like the Rama-n-ia". Ignore the 'n" as in "Atma" and "Atman", and "Rama" and "Raman". One is Singular and weak form and the other is Plural and Strong Form.
There are two of major camps of ancient worships, "Vaishvainites" and "Shaivites". I will one day also write about "Vaishvanites" spread till Egypt, Arabia and even Italy! Ram is from the Vaishvanites camp, he being the incarnation of Lord
Now read the following articles:
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