Wednesday, April 28, 2021

कण जुङ आयन - Con jugation

कण जुड् आयन - kaN-juD-Ayan Conjugation - Pieces - Join - Follow-ing

"And", "but", "for", "nor", "or", "so", and "yet", and even "either" and "neither" are serving the purpose of Conjugates or Conjunctions.

In grammar, they are rules to modify a verb with suffixes and infixes, and sometimes prefixes are added, and a root is also modified before adding with the suffixes and infix for different kinds of verbs.

In Physics and Mathematics, Lie Algebra, Lie Groups, and Group Theory are used to show invariance property and symmetries, and prefix and suffix multiplications are followed.

It looks like as the Sanskrit sound went to Greece and Europe, it went via Arabs who were traders and frequented India more often. Arabic sounds have Guttarals or कण्ठय​ but they have more bass and come from deeper parts of the throat, even below the vocal cords, which is Sanskrit Guttaral or kaNthya or कण्ठय​.

So a dot is placed below these Sanskrit letters: क़ ख़़ ग़ ज़ ड़ फ़

Also, the Sanskrit Guttaral Nasal is typed as ङ (nG) and it can easily be fooled as ड़ or ड् sounds.

So कण is a piece, जुड् is join (one can see again "D" becoming nasal "n") but corrupted as "juNg" and आयन is "following" like "ion" follows an electric field, or in Rama-yana (following the story of Rama).