Please also read my postings on Sanskrit World and also on Atom and Atma. So why am I posting videos on Quantum Physics?
Basically in the Vedanta Philosophy, the True Reality or The Brahman is nothing but The All Pervasive Consciousness, the Absolute Summon Bonn um, The First Principle, The Ultimate Sentiment, which encompasses animate and in-animate, sentient and in-sentient, is beyond 4-D Time and Space. And what we see in 4-D Time and Space is nothing but an Illusion - or a Relative Reality, or Maya.
In Shaivism and Tantra, basically the Shiva Principle is Brahman and the Shakti Principle is the Maya Principle or the Pra-Krat-I, e.g. Nature. From Tantra and Shaivism, Buddhism and Yoga Science have borrowed a lot.
So in the Vedanta and the Yoga Philosophy, they say that the Body, Senses, Mind, Memory, Intellect and Ego Principles are part of an Individual Microcosm, which is part of the Universal Macrocosm. So the objective of all Seekers of the Truth, is to transcend the Body, Mind, Memory, Intellect and Ego Principles, and one way is through Meditative Practices.
What I say this is like this: "When one voids the individual self - Sefishness and Ego, the Super Self or Divinity fills in", or "Infinite-ness through Void-ness", which Buddhist people call it Nihilism.
But this is mistaken by many people as denial of the Divine Principle by the Buddhists. But what it means is that instead of chasing Divinity outside self, one should seek Divinity inside by reducing one self to a void - transcend the Body, Senses, Mind, Memory and Intellect Principles and knowing that one is not all that. Buddha realized the weakness of individuals of off loading this responsibility to other outside agencies like Brahmins, Idols, Worship, Sacrifices, and "some one in sky", and so stressed on "Nihilism".
The transactional world is nothing but a relative reality but which can not be ignored. But one should not focus both eyes on this relative reality and get stuck but have at least another eye or third eye focus on the Absolute Reality! Today Physicists admit that the Ultimate Reality is made of 11 or 16 dimensions, depending on whom you hear from!
So from discreetness of Individual Selves, one goes into continuation model of the Absolute Reality - that means we are all interconnected and part and parcel of the same Absolute Divine Reality!
This duality is what one can also see in, "Wave vs Particle Theory", "Mind over Body", "Mind over Matter" - or Divinity exhibiting "Total Mind vs "Total Body". The World of Reality is nothing but self replicating Fractals!
One proof is this experiment in the video. How does the Electron, suppose to be acting like a particle, is found to be acting like a wave - through an indirect observation, but acts like a particle - through a direct observation of a " discreet witnessing agent". So as if the electron becomes aware of the observer, like a child changing his or her behavior, from being naughty to expected behavior, as soon as disciplining parent appears and is perceived by the child! Or as if the observer emanates its presence through a field radiated which electron detects! But this field is not known to us like Electro Magnetic Field or Gravitational Field. Or as if there is a 3rd All Pervading Conscious Entity which interconnects the Observer and the Observant!
Modern Quantum Mechanics now admits that the reality we perceive is nothing but an instantiation of the countless possibilities - wave becoming particle - made possible by our "individual self will power or observation that we want to see! So we can create the world outside by the world we want! This has been substantiated by some studies of Mass Prayers and Positive Thinking exercises.
Video on Electron Behaving first as a Wave and then as Particle:
Another video, "What the Bleep We Know" :
Another video, "Flat Surface World" :
Another video, "Quamtum Parallelism" :
Also watch this video, by following the URL.
Video of Grupp UCLA talk: "Atomic Buddhism: Quantum Energy and the Nonexistence of Matter
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Raam Business
Vedic Names In Iraq Lebanon Syria Egypt
English Ram Rome Romania Romance Drama
Please see my various postings on Vedic names in Middle East and Europe on Ram.
People tend to write off the historical personality called Lord Ram, whom Hindus, call an incarnation of God, just like Lord Buddha.
Because of the remote antiquity of the said figure, and recorded history being only followed since 500 BC, and Western History only laying emphasis on archaeological finds- but at the same time having different standards for pushing its religious history versus of Hindus.
So people would think that this is all mambo-jumbo business. Here I will show the probabilities of this not being a mambo-jumbo business considering there is enough folk-lore in the history of the city of Ayodhya and Raamyana, and the recorded literature of Valmiki's Raamyana, Tulsidas Raamyana and other regional languages Ramayana. Then in one of the places mentioned in Raamyana, there has been discovery of giant arrow heads from prehistorical times. In India it is customary to find temples along the routes taken by Lord Raam in his exile along with some local story and mythology, like Raamtek near Nagpur.
In the English Language there are 26 letters, while in the Sanskrit Language, there are 34 constants and 12 Vowels - not counting other compound letters, AUM, Aunasika and Anunasvar.
In Sanskrit, one would write Raama - assuming that the constants do not have any built-in sound called "a". So one constant can have basically 12 variations of sounds/syllables, so there are 34x12 combinations, which is 408 building sounds, not counting those sounds coming from Anunasilka and Anuswar. The world would be written as "Raa" + "Ma" and the probability is 1/408 x 1/408, which is 1/166464 for just 2 syllable sounds when combined!
Now in English, since constants have built in "a" sound, we would write the word as "Ram", though because of ambiguities in the sound "a", some people would write like Sanskrit but sound it with one more degree of sound of 'a' - as "aa". So this probability is 1/26 x 1/26/ x 1/26 = 1/17576 for 3 letter English words.
So we can safely say that this probability lies between 1/17576 and 1/166464! Now go and read the articles on Rama business and see if this makes sense!!
Now we all know how the same word evolves into different meanings. Good example is "Christ's sake" which has become a curse in the history of last 2000 years. Then words spread their context like a spider's web in the contextual meanings, sometimes taking an extreme vulgar and opposite meanings. I will save the examples here but any person can look up a dictionary, either in English and Sanskrit and satisfy himself or herself.
So the word of antiquity today finds different contexts which should be understood to have come from a common source. Otherwise a probability of having two or more people coming up with the same sound is shown to be very rare.
Some people would pass this as nothing but Parallel Evolution mambo-jumbo in the modern historical circles! Then ask them about the different names of Christ, Kristy, Christy, Chisty, Christine and so on, showing up and see what they have to answer!
English Ram Rome Romania Romance Drama
Please see my various postings on Vedic names in Middle East and Europe on Ram.
People tend to write off the historical personality called Lord Ram, whom Hindus, call an incarnation of God, just like Lord Buddha.
Because of the remote antiquity of the said figure, and recorded history being only followed since 500 BC, and Western History only laying emphasis on archaeological finds- but at the same time having different standards for pushing its religious history versus of Hindus.
So people would think that this is all mambo-jumbo business. Here I will show the probabilities of this not being a mambo-jumbo business considering there is enough folk-lore in the history of the city of Ayodhya and Raamyana, and the recorded literature of Valmiki's Raamyana, Tulsidas Raamyana and other regional languages Ramayana. Then in one of the places mentioned in Raamyana, there has been discovery of giant arrow heads from prehistorical times. In India it is customary to find temples along the routes taken by Lord Raam in his exile along with some local story and mythology, like Raamtek near Nagpur.
In the English Language there are 26 letters, while in the Sanskrit Language, there are 34 constants and 12 Vowels - not counting other compound letters, AUM, Aunasika and Anunasvar.
In Sanskrit, one would write Raama - assuming that the constants do not have any built-in sound called "a". So one constant can have basically 12 variations of sounds/syllables, so there are 34x12 combinations, which is 408 building sounds, not counting those sounds coming from Anunasilka and Anuswar. The world would be written as "Raa" + "Ma" and the probability is 1/408 x 1/408, which is 1/166464 for just 2 syllable sounds when combined!
Now in English, since constants have built in "a" sound, we would write the word as "Ram", though because of ambiguities in the sound "a", some people would write like Sanskrit but sound it with one more degree of sound of 'a' - as "aa". So this probability is 1/26 x 1/26/ x 1/26 = 1/17576 for 3 letter English words.
So we can safely say that this probability lies between 1/17576 and 1/166464! Now go and read the articles on Rama business and see if this makes sense!!
Now we all know how the same word evolves into different meanings. Good example is "Christ's sake" which has become a curse in the history of last 2000 years. Then words spread their context like a spider's web in the contextual meanings, sometimes taking an extreme vulgar and opposite meanings. I will save the examples here but any person can look up a dictionary, either in English and Sanskrit and satisfy himself or herself.
So the word of antiquity today finds different contexts which should be understood to have come from a common source. Otherwise a probability of having two or more people coming up with the same sound is shown to be very rare.
Some people would pass this as nothing but Parallel Evolution mambo-jumbo in the modern historical circles! Then ask them about the different names of Christ, Kristy, Christy, Chisty, Christine and so on, showing up and see what they have to answer!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Sanskrit World
Indians, especially those who have been educated in the Modern Western Education and perhaps Anglo-sized, only believe something positively said about Ancient India when a respectable westerner speaks authoritatively and endorses that aspect of India. At least without openly admitting, though professing to love and respect their in heritage, most Indians only have a negative impression of India, for having grown up in a country that was shackled by the 1200 years of political strife, economic repression, and religious violence and bloodshed touching the levels of ethnic cleansing, as per the book Our Oriental Inherit age by William Durant.
If this is hard to swallow, look at other countries like France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Greece, Japan and China, and all of them take pride in speaking their language of inheritance, even if they are equally competent in speaking other foreign languages, including English, which has become the language of the World. At one time it was in vogue to be considered modern and fashionable in India, if one only conversed in English. Just see how many Indians in the US like to converse with their kids in their languages. See how many change their names and accents. And how many Indians take to the Western things and flaunt them of their modernized selves but feel ashamed of flaunting any thing Indian. Of course this not true for everyone and one can not generalize, but at the same time this is not a black and white attribute and various people have this adoption to different degrees for many reasons which are utilitarian to economic to personal.
Not there is anything wrong with the things that are Western, or all things Indians are very good and to be proud of. But we need to take the best of both worlds and not ignore the best of either world. Now India seems to be taking the worst of the West, like the pre-marital sex, live-in girl-friends and boy-friends and so on. We need to take the honesty, humane values, openness, work ethics and discipline, public sense and awareness, and community belonging and commitments from the West. Then why should we accept and build our values on lies promulgated versus what the truth is?
The history taught to Indians and the World on Indian History is what was written by the historians who were on the payrolls of the colonist masters. The sincere and honest ones not only lost their works to the bookshelves gathering dust but most of the world of many generations lost an opportunity to know India's greatness. The true knowledge was only confined to the few learned ones who were versed in the truth. Imagine how many Indians know about the history of other countries versus of their own. And how many times on Western History Television Channels one hears on Indian History or their religion? But watch these channels and you would learn more about every other religion and nations but anything to do with India. The good news is that this is slowly changing with increasing awareness of India’s contribution to the world economy.
The poverty, the filth, the backwardness, the divisive caste system, the superstition of uneducated masses, etc, all were only exposed to the west but not the reasons of many years of slavery and drudgery. When one generation suffers a misfortune, at least three generations pay the price. Any family patriarch and an astute observer of a family's lineage and inheritance of misfortunes would endorse this point of view. Now generations spanning over 1200 years of mass misfortune of the land of their dwelling is unparalleled in any of world's history. This has been also noted by the noted historian William Durant. This gigantic proportion of misfortune of masses has only been surpassed by what Jews have seen in their 2 millennium of history - but it is sad to see the Palestine Arabs now suffering for last 60 years.
India has had a special, fortunate and glorified rendezvous with the destiny in recent times, and it commenced with the Internet boom that started in 90s, which kick started the Indian IT Sector. Remember the Reserve Banks of India sending Bank representatives to the countries where expatriate Indians were residing in order to mitigate their Foreign Exchange Crisis of the early 90’s? This was combined with the Government of India abandoning its Socialist Capitalism and Babu Raj Culture and all other artificial barriers to the spirit of Free Trade. For the last 15 years, it looks like there is no looking back for India, but this also comes with a great cultural loss of identity of Indians. They have to take to the new accents, present themselves Anglo sized and so on. It is almost a pariah inviting behavior if someone professes something that makes him more culturally or religiously an Indian. Go to a Yoga camp in the West or in India, and see how many Westerners flock versus how many Indians flock to these camps, and one would get the gist of the truth on this matter.
Today in New Delhi, India, there was a Leadership Summit, with leaders around the globe attending, hosted by Hindustan Times, where world who's and who's came to attend, including Sharukh Khan and Bush, the Governor of Florida and the brother of President Bush.
Surprisingly, Sharukh Khan mirrored the same sentiment, that in the psyche of Indians and the rest of World, it is programmed and expected that India only attracts world attention in the media and the movies, both from Bollywood as well as Holywood, because of it malaise and poignant pathos but not because of its rich in heritage, which is an unparalleled contribution to the history of human civilization.
So watch this video to see why the Vedic philosophy is very popular among the western academia and especially among the Theoretical Physicists.
I for one found that the topics of (1) the Bing Bang Theory, (2) the Atomic Theory, (3) the Evolution, (4) the Relativity, (5) the Particle Wave Theory and (6) the Quantum Mechanics were all validated and its philosophical musings discussed in the Vedic Philosophies. This was one of the greatest reasons for me to see that my findings in the Vedic scriptures were not being contradicted by the findings of the Modern Science. If it had ever, I would have been the first one to dump those books because I am and would be first the man of Sciences and Humanity versus being a man of any Religion and Culture.
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -1/3
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -2/3
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -3/3
If this is hard to swallow, look at other countries like France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Greece, Japan and China, and all of them take pride in speaking their language of inheritance, even if they are equally competent in speaking other foreign languages, including English, which has become the language of the World. At one time it was in vogue to be considered modern and fashionable in India, if one only conversed in English. Just see how many Indians in the US like to converse with their kids in their languages. See how many change their names and accents. And how many Indians take to the Western things and flaunt them of their modernized selves but feel ashamed of flaunting any thing Indian. Of course this not true for everyone and one can not generalize, but at the same time this is not a black and white attribute and various people have this adoption to different degrees for many reasons which are utilitarian to economic to personal.
Not there is anything wrong with the things that are Western, or all things Indians are very good and to be proud of. But we need to take the best of both worlds and not ignore the best of either world. Now India seems to be taking the worst of the West, like the pre-marital sex, live-in girl-friends and boy-friends and so on. We need to take the honesty, humane values, openness, work ethics and discipline, public sense and awareness, and community belonging and commitments from the West. Then why should we accept and build our values on lies promulgated versus what the truth is?
The history taught to Indians and the World on Indian History is what was written by the historians who were on the payrolls of the colonist masters. The sincere and honest ones not only lost their works to the bookshelves gathering dust but most of the world of many generations lost an opportunity to know India's greatness. The true knowledge was only confined to the few learned ones who were versed in the truth. Imagine how many Indians know about the history of other countries versus of their own. And how many times on Western History Television Channels one hears on Indian History or their religion? But watch these channels and you would learn more about every other religion and nations but anything to do with India. The good news is that this is slowly changing with increasing awareness of India’s contribution to the world economy.
The poverty, the filth, the backwardness, the divisive caste system, the superstition of uneducated masses, etc, all were only exposed to the west but not the reasons of many years of slavery and drudgery. When one generation suffers a misfortune, at least three generations pay the price. Any family patriarch and an astute observer of a family's lineage and inheritance of misfortunes would endorse this point of view. Now generations spanning over 1200 years of mass misfortune of the land of their dwelling is unparalleled in any of world's history. This has been also noted by the noted historian William Durant. This gigantic proportion of misfortune of masses has only been surpassed by what Jews have seen in their 2 millennium of history - but it is sad to see the Palestine Arabs now suffering for last 60 years.
India has had a special, fortunate and glorified rendezvous with the destiny in recent times, and it commenced with the Internet boom that started in 90s, which kick started the Indian IT Sector. Remember the Reserve Banks of India sending Bank representatives to the countries where expatriate Indians were residing in order to mitigate their Foreign Exchange Crisis of the early 90’s? This was combined with the Government of India abandoning its Socialist Capitalism and Babu Raj Culture and all other artificial barriers to the spirit of Free Trade. For the last 15 years, it looks like there is no looking back for India, but this also comes with a great cultural loss of identity of Indians. They have to take to the new accents, present themselves Anglo sized and so on. It is almost a pariah inviting behavior if someone professes something that makes him more culturally or religiously an Indian. Go to a Yoga camp in the West or in India, and see how many Westerners flock versus how many Indians flock to these camps, and one would get the gist of the truth on this matter.
Today in New Delhi, India, there was a Leadership Summit, with leaders around the globe attending, hosted by Hindustan Times, where world who's and who's came to attend, including Sharukh Khan and Bush, the Governor of Florida and the brother of President Bush.
Surprisingly, Sharukh Khan mirrored the same sentiment, that in the psyche of Indians and the rest of World, it is programmed and expected that India only attracts world attention in the media and the movies, both from Bollywood as well as Holywood, because of it malaise and poignant pathos but not because of its rich in heritage, which is an unparalleled contribution to the history of human civilization.
So watch this video to see why the Vedic philosophy is very popular among the western academia and especially among the Theoretical Physicists.
I for one found that the topics of (1) the Bing Bang Theory, (2) the Atomic Theory, (3) the Evolution, (4) the Relativity, (5) the Particle Wave Theory and (6) the Quantum Mechanics were all validated and its philosophical musings discussed in the Vedic Philosophies. This was one of the greatest reasons for me to see that my findings in the Vedic scriptures were not being contradicted by the findings of the Modern Science. If it had ever, I would have been the first one to dump those books because I am and would be first the man of Sciences and Humanity versus being a man of any Religion and Culture.
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -1/3
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -2/3
Thinking allowed - The Sanskrit tradition -3/3
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Phoenicians and Panis
We play the same game: (1) Follow rules of Sanskrit Grammar, (2) Approximate alphabet sounds with known linguistic rules and (3) if the meaning comes to English equivalent.
The Panis (Paanis, Paaniis), in the Vedas and later classical literature were the merchant class who were the pioneers and who dared to set their course from unknown lands and succeeded in throwing bridges between many and diverse nations. The Phoenicians were no other than the Panis of the Rig Veda. They were called Phoeni in Latin which is very similar to the Sanskrit Pani.
Surprisingly, I felt the same thing as the above text, which I read at the Hindu Wisdom site - but before I read the text - only to reinforce the thinking. Please see my posting Common Brahmi And Phoenician Script. This commonness is also explained by the fact that the two words are related.
Please also see the article on where Vedic Gods, Indra, Mitra, Varun and Mahesh are mentioned in the peace treaty between Hittites and Mitannis. The area of Phoenicia, Hittites and Mitannis has overlapped with each other and is today's Syria, Lebanon and Western Turkey area.
So Paanis became Phoenicia? "ia" is same as "ya" or "ay", "ic" is for the adjective. "Pa" is same as "Pha" or "Pho". "o" and "oe" are same. English is one language, were the syllable sounds are completely screwed up, and a word is not written as it is spoken!
So what does Paanis mean? "s" is most probably plural, like 'Muni' becoming 'Munih' or 'Munis'.
And Paa-Nii means "To Get + To Go or To Lead", so someone who wants "to go and get something".
There are rules where without any modifications, the same word serves as verb as well as noun. And sometimes "a' is added and sometimes more rules are followed.
So the ocean water in Sanskrit is Paanii, which is an "instrument noun", meaning that takes you somewhere to get something.
Paanii-ic becomes adjective like "King-ly", and later to make some other adjective like "King-ly-ness", they added "ic". So the word becomes "Paa-nii-ic-ya" which is same as "Ph-oe-ni-ic-ia".
The Panis (Paanis, Paaniis), in the Vedas and later classical literature were the merchant class who were the pioneers and who dared to set their course from unknown lands and succeeded in throwing bridges between many and diverse nations. The Phoenicians were no other than the Panis of the Rig Veda. They were called Phoeni in Latin which is very similar to the Sanskrit Pani.
Surprisingly, I felt the same thing as the above text, which I read at the Hindu Wisdom site - but before I read the text - only to reinforce the thinking. Please see my posting Common Brahmi And Phoenician Script. This commonness is also explained by the fact that the two words are related.
Please also see the article on where Vedic Gods, Indra, Mitra, Varun and Mahesh are mentioned in the peace treaty between Hittites and Mitannis. The area of Phoenicia, Hittites and Mitannis has overlapped with each other and is today's Syria, Lebanon and Western Turkey area.
So Paanis became Phoenicia? "ia" is same as "ya" or "ay", "ic" is for the adjective. "Pa" is same as "Pha" or "Pho". "o" and "oe" are same. English is one language, were the syllable sounds are completely screwed up, and a word is not written as it is spoken!
So what does Paanis mean? "s" is most probably plural, like 'Muni' becoming 'Munih' or 'Munis'.
And Paa-Nii means "To Get + To Go or To Lead", so someone who wants "to go and get something".
There are rules where without any modifications, the same word serves as verb as well as noun. And sometimes "a' is added and sometimes more rules are followed.
So the ocean water in Sanskrit is Paanii, which is an "instrument noun", meaning that takes you somewhere to get something.
Paanii-ic becomes adjective like "King-ly", and later to make some other adjective like "King-ly-ness", they added "ic". So the word becomes "Paa-nii-ic-ya" which is same as "Ph-oe-ni-ic-ia".
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Isis, Jesus, Isha, Isha Masi
People often say "J" as "Y", like Yamuna and Jamuna. Jews and Greeks very often did this.
The siblants, dental "s", palatal "sh", and cerbral "sh" and even comound sibilant, "ksh", are often mixed up, the last one with "k" and "ch" or "sh". My other postings talk about this.
Isis - Egyptian God, son of Solar God Horous, where in first posting I have shown Horous is nothing but same as Chorus and Suresh. He is depicted as black as I recall from my readings.
Jesus - Christ
Isha - Sanskrit word for Lord, someone desired, worshiped, beloved or to be given a sacrifice.
Isha Masi - Name for Jesus in India and among Gnostics and ancients Jews.
The siblants, dental "s", palatal "sh", and cerbral "sh" and even comound sibilant, "ksh", are often mixed up, the last one with "k" and "ch" or "sh". My other postings talk about this.
Isis - Egyptian God, son of Solar God Horous, where in first posting I have shown Horous is nothing but same as Chorus and Suresh. He is depicted as black as I recall from my readings.
Jesus - Christ
Isha - Sanskrit word for Lord, someone desired, worshiped, beloved or to be given a sacrifice.
Isha Masi - Name for Jesus in India and among Gnostics and ancients Jews.
Vedic Names in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, South America
Note names of places and people beginning with word "Ram"
1. Ram-allah - Place in Israel
2. Rameshe - Male name in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, like Navaye Rameshe.
3. Ramzi - Male name like Ramzi Yunus, Ramzi bin al-Shibh
4. Ramzu - Male name like Ramzu Munshir, Amr Ramzu, Ramzu Yunus,
4. Ramadi - Place in Iraq
5. Ramdiyah - Place in Iraq
6. Ramirej - Spanish/Latin name.
7. Rami - Jew name
7. Ramesys
8. Shah-raam
9. Baah-raam
The word "ram" is an epithet of qualities like pleasing , pleasant , charming , lovely , beautifu, etc. - and an epithet for God Principle.
How many Christian names you can see beginning with Chris, Kris, Christian, Kristian, Kristy, Chisty, and the history behind the word and the logic of etymology can change?
How many Islamic names you can see beginning with Mohammad, which is a very new religion compared to the Vedic religion, and so is Christianity?
Now go to this Bible site and see how many words repeat with "Ram"
Bible List of Words Beginning with 'Ram'
Why is a place in Isreal called "Ramathiam", which is nothing but a corruption of "Ramadhaam", meaning place of Ram, like Akshaydhaam. Dental 'th' can become dental "dh", and in transliterating sounds, "a" can become "i" or "ai".
So you can see what we know of our history is very limited and there is a lot of bias in the world against the history of Hinduism, thanks to the propaganda by zealots of modern religions.
Now why a famous person like Sir William Jones would say this some 200 years back, when a lot on History was being written by the colonist powers?
He said, "It is very remarkable that Peruvians, whose Incas boasted of the same descent, styled their greatest festival Rama-Sitva; whence we may take it that South America was peopled by the same race who imported into the farthest of parts of Asia the rites and the fabulous history of Rama." (source: Asiatic Researches Volume I. p. 426
1. Ram-allah - Place in Israel
2. Rameshe - Male name in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, like Navaye Rameshe.
3. Ramzi - Male name like Ramzi Yunus, Ramzi bin al-Shibh
4. Ramzu - Male name like Ramzu Munshir, Amr Ramzu, Ramzu Yunus,
4. Ramadi - Place in Iraq
5. Ramdiyah - Place in Iraq
6. Ramirej - Spanish/Latin name.
7. Rami - Jew name
7. Ramesys
8. Shah-raam
9. Baah-raam
The word "ram" is an epithet of qualities like pleasing , pleasant , charming , lovely , beautifu, etc. - and an epithet for God Principle.
How many Christian names you can see beginning with Chris, Kris, Christian, Kristian, Kristy, Chisty, and the history behind the word and the logic of etymology can change?
How many Islamic names you can see beginning with Mohammad, which is a very new religion compared to the Vedic religion, and so is Christianity?
Now go to this Bible site and see how many words repeat with "Ram"
Bible List of Words Beginning with 'Ram'
Why is a place in Isreal called "Ramathiam", which is nothing but a corruption of "Ramadhaam", meaning place of Ram, like Akshaydhaam. Dental 'th' can become dental "dh", and in transliterating sounds, "a" can become "i" or "ai".
So you can see what we know of our history is very limited and there is a lot of bias in the world against the history of Hinduism, thanks to the propaganda by zealots of modern religions.
Now why a famous person like Sir William Jones would say this some 200 years back, when a lot on History was being written by the colonist powers?
He said, "It is very remarkable that Peruvians, whose Incas boasted of the same descent, styled their greatest festival Rama-Sitva; whence we may take it that South America was peopled by the same race who imported into the farthest of parts of Asia the rites and the fabulous history of Rama." (source: Asiatic Researches Volume I. p. 426
Christ (Krist) and Krishna (Chrisna)
The sound "Ch" can be "K" as well as "Sh" (see my first posting).
The verb root is "Kri", which means to attract.
If you want to make a past participle, which acts like a noun, adjective, and verbal, it would be
"Krisht", as dental "s" after "i" would become cerebral "sh".
So "Krisht" means something that attracted. Now if you have any westerner, even Indian child brought up in the west, he or she would say the sound "K" as "Kh". And there are "Sanskrit Sandhi" rules were Guttural can become Palatals and vice-versa. To cut the whole story short, it can be written as "Christ" as well.
If we take the root "Kri" and make itr a present participle, which acts like a noun, adjective, and verbal, it would have forms like "Krishan(a)", "Krishant(a)", "Krishat(a)", which are Subjective Singular, and general base words for strong and weak forms to decline the word into different cases for Singular, Dual and Plural.
So "Kirshna" means someone who is attracting. So does "Krishta" means, or "Christ"!
Krishna also means something that is black and the God which had a dark complexion.
Is is not weird that we know that the color black attracts or absorbs most radiation and white attracts or absorbs the least radiation!
This gives a clue in the mindset of the ancients, that were also aware of the basic sciences.
In another article, I would show how Christ and Christna have similar stories!
The verb root is "Kri", which means to attract.
If you want to make a past participle, which acts like a noun, adjective, and verbal, it would be
"Krisht", as dental "s" after "i" would become cerebral "sh".
So "Krisht" means something that attracted. Now if you have any westerner, even Indian child brought up in the west, he or she would say the sound "K" as "Kh". And there are "Sanskrit Sandhi" rules were Guttural can become Palatals and vice-versa. To cut the whole story short, it can be written as "Christ" as well.
If we take the root "Kri" and make itr a present participle, which acts like a noun, adjective, and verbal, it would have forms like "Krishan(a)", "Krishant(a)", "Krishat(a)", which are Subjective Singular, and general base words for strong and weak forms to decline the word into different cases for Singular, Dual and Plural.
So "Kirshna" means someone who is attracting. So does "Krishta" means, or "Christ"!
Krishna also means something that is black and the God which had a dark complexion.
Is is not weird that we know that the color black attracts or absorbs most radiation and white attracts or absorbs the least radiation!
This gives a clue in the mindset of the ancients, that were also aware of the basic sciences.
In another article, I would show how Christ and Christna have similar stories!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Who - Whom
My daughter came to me and asked me, "What is the difference between 'who' and 'whom'?"
I started with some usage example, "She is a girl, who likes to ....", and "She was awarded, on whom there was .."
It is clear that one conveys the "active" principle denoting as a "subject", and the other "passive" principle, denoting as an "object".
In Sanskrit, for example, there is a rule that adds "am" or "m" to make a Male/Female "Subjective" into "Objective". Like "Baalak(ah)" to "Baalakam", and "Baalikaa" to "Baalikaam".
I started with some usage example, "She is a girl, who likes to ....", and "She was awarded, on whom there was .."
It is clear that one conveys the "active" principle denoting as a "subject", and the other "passive" principle, denoting as an "object".
In Sanskrit, for example, there is a rule that adds "am" or "m" to make a Male/Female "Subjective" into "Objective". Like "Baalak(ah)" to "Baalakam", and "Baalikaa" to "Baalikaam".
Ramaadaan - Rama-adaan
Our family was just mentioning about Ramaadan, which is going on now-a-days.
Saint Mohammad got his divine revelation when he was in a cave meditating during the months of Ramaadaan, a practice much before Islam was introduced by him. This is yet another sign of Arabia practising Vedic beliefs. His nephew's wife name was Hindooja, which is a common Sindhi last surname.
Rama - as noun it means one who is "relished in the Self" with full delights. It is also an epithet for Lord Rama.
Daan - is noun for giving from the root "da", which means "to give".
A-daan - means "not daan", and it means opposite of "giving", which is "accepting".
So the word means "accepting of Rama" or "acceptance of God".
Persians for some reasons, made it "Ramaajaan".
Saint Mohammad got his divine revelation when he was in a cave meditating during the months of Ramaadaan, a practice much before Islam was introduced by him. This is yet another sign of Arabia practising Vedic beliefs. His nephew's wife name was Hindooja, which is a common Sindhi last surname.
Rama - as noun it means one who is "relished in the Self" with full delights. It is also an epithet for Lord Rama.
Daan - is noun for giving from the root "da", which means "to give".
A-daan - means "not daan", and it means opposite of "giving", which is "accepting".
So the word means "accepting of Rama" or "acceptance of God".
Persians for some reasons, made it "Ramaajaan".
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Janus and Ganes (Ganesh, Ganesa) - Weird Coincidence
Janus is depicted as 2-headed or 4-headed Roman God. Somewhere I had read that she was the Goddess of Learning, but when I went to Wikipedia to confirm, I could not find it. Then why they have it as a girl's name?
Back of my mind, I have always associated "Janus" with God of Knowledge and Learning, and am not sure why exactly, unless the subconscious mind is playing tricks!
The connection with Ganesa just happened to me now when I reading another book, where his depiction is mentioned, when talking about a certain iconography of Gnostics.
So lord Ganesh in India is associated with Knowledge and Learning and he is depicted to be the one who transcribed the 4 Vedas, the most ancient and the earliest known books of knowledge from India, and declared by United Nations to be an Inheritance of Humanity.
Ganes can be written as "Gna" + "Ish", which means, Lord or God of Knowledge. Some people say "Gana" + "Ish", meaning Lord of Masses or Leader of Masses. But who can be the Lord of Masses unless he is Intellect, Knowledge and Wisdom wise wiser than the Masses?
Now why Janus would be depicted with 4 or 2 heads? Is it to show his possession of more knowledge and intelligence? Or his lordship over knowledge and intelligence? He is portrait as someone who can go forward and backward in Time.
Now they say the true knowledge is that knowledge that takes you across space and time, and makes you eternal, e.g. the knowledge of Brahman (Super Soul) or Atman (Individual) Soul. The rest of the knowledge is a subjective and man-made knowledge. The true knowledge makes you transcend the cycle of Birth and Death, and free yourself from the shackles of Life and its associated Sorrows and Joys, which is rare and subjective anyway. It is about the identification of oneself to what essence of the Self. Is it Body, Senses, Mind, Ego, or Intellect? All these identifications and anchoring oneself only makes one subject to the travesties of Death and Life, and of Joy and Sorrows. But the identification that you are "Atama", Atom, or part and parcel of the Supreme Self, and because He is always there, you are always living! Alas, you have conquered Death and gained Immortality!
It is for that reason why an intelligent person like Ravana of Ramayana is shown with 10 Heads.
So maybe Janus is shown for the same reasons having 2 or 4 heads.
"J" and "G" are interchangeable, and "gna", "jan" and "gno" are same.
Back of my mind, I have always associated "Janus" with God of Knowledge and Learning, and am not sure why exactly, unless the subconscious mind is playing tricks!
The connection with Ganesa just happened to me now when I reading another book, where his depiction is mentioned, when talking about a certain iconography of Gnostics.
So lord Ganesh in India is associated with Knowledge and Learning and he is depicted to be the one who transcribed the 4 Vedas, the most ancient and the earliest known books of knowledge from India, and declared by United Nations to be an Inheritance of Humanity.
Ganes can be written as "Gna" + "Ish", which means, Lord or God of Knowledge. Some people say "Gana" + "Ish", meaning Lord of Masses or Leader of Masses. But who can be the Lord of Masses unless he is Intellect, Knowledge and Wisdom wise wiser than the Masses?
Now why Janus would be depicted with 4 or 2 heads? Is it to show his possession of more knowledge and intelligence? Or his lordship over knowledge and intelligence? He is portrait as someone who can go forward and backward in Time.
Now they say the true knowledge is that knowledge that takes you across space and time, and makes you eternal, e.g. the knowledge of Brahman (Super Soul) or Atman (Individual) Soul. The rest of the knowledge is a subjective and man-made knowledge. The true knowledge makes you transcend the cycle of Birth and Death, and free yourself from the shackles of Life and its associated Sorrows and Joys, which is rare and subjective anyway. It is about the identification of oneself to what essence of the Self. Is it Body, Senses, Mind, Ego, or Intellect? All these identifications and anchoring oneself only makes one subject to the travesties of Death and Life, and of Joy and Sorrows. But the identification that you are "Atama", Atom, or part and parcel of the Supreme Self, and because He is always there, you are always living! Alas, you have conquered Death and gained Immortality!
It is for that reason why an intelligent person like Ravana of Ramayana is shown with 10 Heads.
So maybe Janus is shown for the same reasons having 2 or 4 heads.
"J" and "G" are interchangeable, and "gna", "jan" and "gno" are same.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Savior (Christ) And Savaria (Christna, Chrishna, Krishna)
We are playing the same game of words and the rules remain the same.
Savior is Christ. Webester Dictionary says this:
Main Entry: sav·ior Variant(s): or sav·iour /'sAv-y&r also -"yor/
Function: Noun
Etymology: Middle English saveour, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin salvator, from salvare to save1 : one that saves from danger or destruction2 : one who brings salvation;
One who recovers you or salvages you or your life. Or saves you from imminent doom.
Christna, Chrishna or Krishna is also called Savaria.
He is called Savaria because of his "dark" complexion like of the evening sky.
According to me it is 'Su' (Prefix for Good) + 'Var' (Guna of Verb Root Vri) +' ia' (or ya for suffix for Noun or Adjective).
Root "Vri" means: to ward off, to check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restraint. It also means to take shelter, cover, or chose. So it means something of this with a sense of something good.
So someone who is Shielder, Protector, Guardian, or Saviour!
Savior is Christ. Webester Dictionary says this:
Main Entry: sav·ior Variant(s): or sav·iour /'sAv-y&r also -"yor/
Function: Noun
Etymology: Middle English saveour, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin salvator, from salvare to save1 : one that saves from danger or destruction2 : one who brings salvation;
One who recovers you or salvages you or your life. Or saves you from imminent doom.
Christna, Chrishna or Krishna is also called Savaria.
He is called Savaria because of his "dark" complexion like of the evening sky.
According to me it is 'Su' (Prefix for Good) + 'Var' (Guna of Verb Root Vri) +' ia' (or ya for suffix for Noun or Adjective).
Root "Vri" means: to ward off, to check, keep back, prevent, hinder, restraint. It also means to take shelter, cover, or chose. So it means something of this with a sense of something good.
So someone who is Shielder, Protector, Guardian, or Saviour!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
English: Ram, Rome, Romania, Romance, Drama, Romulus, Remus, & Gypsy - Sanskrit: Rama, Ram, Romaka, Roman-chit & Doma
Ram - Sheep, Some heavy shaft or hammer to batter or strike hard.
Rome - City of Rome
Romania - Country of Roma people, Gypsies, or Doma People. D is Cerebral D and not Dental D. See my posting on Romania And Armenia.
Romance - A venture of love, courtship, sex, unbelievable chivalry, and daring act where your hair can stand up!
Romulus - One of Twin in Roman Mythology
Remus - Second Twin in Roman Mythology.
Gypsy - People from India who migrated to Europe and Steppes, and confirmed by DNA mapping. See my another article on Armenia, Romania, etc. I saw Gypsies in Moscow but in bad shape. Heard of Gypsies in France and England in 1800's texts.
Drama - A play of Dance, Music and Song. All signs of merriment and people who entertaining you are Gypsies or Domas from India!
Rama - Name of Hindu God, who happens to be incarnation of Vishnu, who also incarnated as Krishna and Budhha. Interestingly, Krishna was born, when Spring Equinox was in the Zodiac of Ram (English) - the Sheep! This is before the event shifted to the Zodiac of Tarus, of the Bull, where all ancient nations of same religion worshiped - although names of Gods varied but the underlying principle remained the same - just like today in Hinduism, which is itself a name given by outsiders to account all beliefs in ancient India.
Ram - To enjoy, to delight, to make merry, to be glad, to be pleased, to stand still, to stay put, to have sexual intercourse. Here the meanings move from spiritual, to emotional, to intellectual, to sensual and to physical delights.
Rambh - Bamboo, Shaft, Name of Asura or Ashura.
Romaka - People of Mixed Low Race. Hairy. Salty.
Romant - Hair Standing Out
Roman-chit - Adventurous
Doma - ('D' is Cerebral and not Dental). Man of low caste making a living by singing and music.
As you can see, the meanings on the two camps sometimes run from synonymous to antonyms, from directed connected meaning to an indirect connected meaing, from subtle meaning to grosser meaning.
Interestingly, you can see opposite camps mixing words and sometimes making an opposite or vulgur meaning, which I have seen in many examples, which one day I will cover.
Ram - Sheep, Some heavy shaft or hammer to batter or strike hard.
Rome - City of Rome
Romania - Country of Roma people, Gypsies, or Doma People. D is Cerebral D and not Dental D. See my posting on Romania And Armenia.
Romance - A venture of love, courtship, sex, unbelievable chivalry, and daring act where your hair can stand up!
Romulus - One of Twin in Roman Mythology
Remus - Second Twin in Roman Mythology.
Gypsy - People from India who migrated to Europe and Steppes, and confirmed by DNA mapping. See my another article on Armenia, Romania, etc. I saw Gypsies in Moscow but in bad shape. Heard of Gypsies in France and England in 1800's texts.
Drama - A play of Dance, Music and Song. All signs of merriment and people who entertaining you are Gypsies or Domas from India!
Rama - Name of Hindu God, who happens to be incarnation of Vishnu, who also incarnated as Krishna and Budhha. Interestingly, Krishna was born, when Spring Equinox was in the Zodiac of Ram (English) - the Sheep! This is before the event shifted to the Zodiac of Tarus, of the Bull, where all ancient nations of same religion worshiped - although names of Gods varied but the underlying principle remained the same - just like today in Hinduism, which is itself a name given by outsiders to account all beliefs in ancient India.
Ram - To enjoy, to delight, to make merry, to be glad, to be pleased, to stand still, to stay put, to have sexual intercourse. Here the meanings move from spiritual, to emotional, to intellectual, to sensual and to physical delights.
Rambh - Bamboo, Shaft, Name of Asura or Ashura.
Romaka - People of Mixed Low Race. Hairy. Salty.
Romant - Hair Standing Out
Roman-chit - Adventurous
Doma - ('D' is Cerebral and not Dental). Man of low caste making a living by singing and music.
As you can see, the meanings on the two camps sometimes run from synonymous to antonyms, from directed connected meaning to an indirect connected meaing, from subtle meaning to grosser meaning.
Interestingly, you can see opposite camps mixing words and sometimes making an opposite or vulgur meaning, which I have seen in many examples, which one day I will cover.
Artic, Arc And Then Antartica - Going Reverse
Last night, I was just thinking of the words again. For me it is like a meditation and insights into the deeper meanings. For those of you would like to increase your vocabulary of the English Language, and all the related words of the world, I would suggest a visit to Annu Garg's WordSmith Site WordSmith, and you can also subscribe to an email service, called "A word a day". You will see that how the words in different languages have got twisted from the same roots! So it is a really a learning experience, because the Word is World. Remember, the often quoted text from Genesis in Bible, "In the beginning there was nothing but the word." The same concept is there in Hindu Cosmogony.
Quantum Physics has validated that our perception is based on the world inside us. This has also been validated by Psychologists. For example, Native Americans of South America, when they initially "saw" (did not see) the fleet of ships coming to their coast, a big armada which can hardly be ignored by a modern naked eye, was even not seen by them for many days! It is because their brains were not programmed to "see" (visually register) ships and many days went on before suddenly the Spanish feet was spotted! This was covered in Discovery, PBS or History Channel. The Native Americans thought, that the visitors were their ancestral gods or guardians from their ancestor's home land! You see facts become fiction over the years and a lot of collective memory of the community is lost. So even these people who came by boats, as accepted now, since the Alaska Berring Strait Bridge being the route is now questioned, these people completely got the concept of boats and ships wiped out of their collective consciousness. So very naively, these people welcomed the Spanish Fleets and made them hospitable, only to be taught a new lesson of the perils of treating the guest as God!. In India the same philosphy was taught, despite the same lessons learnt. Perhaps the world has become a lot wiser about the crookedness of the rest of the world!
What I gain out of this exercise? The same pleasure which Anu Garg gets and same service he is doing. But Anu is taking the main stream approach and very subtly showing some Sanskrit words, but more often the Latin and Greek roots, which is the common practice if you want to be accepted by the main stream. I am hoping they would be more tolerant towards me and see the value I am extending! So when I play this game of parsing the English words to Sanskrit-ized words, I would sometime repeat to refine my results. For more details on the game and the rules, please see my posting on the same words listed in the subject.
Anyway, the word "Arctic", comes from "Arc", which mean as a verb to show light, and which I mentioned in the previous posting. Noun can also be made as "Arca", which is the epithet for Sun in Sanskrit. Arca-tic or Arca-tik is like "Krit" becoming "Kar-tik", just note on the suffix part as there is a different rule going on when "ri" becomes "ar" in their "Guna" or 1st level promotion of the vowel sound. So what it means a region where Sun-shine-ness is present. As often I have seen in words, for some reasons, the words sometimes take just the opposite meanings, even in the same language, and many times when crossing from Sanskrit to English. I have many examples of this, which I use to make my kids remember the words from their English background! Remember how the same concepts of "Off/On" and "Right/Left" are opposite between English and Americans? So the north pole region, which is above the Tropic of Cancer, is where the Sun does not exist! What it means is that the imaginary projection or the shadow of the Sun does not cross over the Tropic of Cancer! So this makes sense.
Now Antarctica would be "Anta-Arctic", which would mean the end of sun-shine-ness, which is beyond Tropic of Capricorn.
As you can see, the knowledge of the ancients, gets diluted and lost, as time goes on and people move. So like the kids from 1st generation immigrant parents, would be loosing that linguistic and cultural in-heritage and intonational knowledge build into a culture. So the Proto Indo European (PIE), as they moved around, they lost this knowledge, and only the staunchest stickler of their ancestor's way of life and beliefs, stuck to that to best possible extent. This would be the clue to finding the origin of PIE people.
As some of you may have notice the English word, "Arc" should trace to this root. So the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn are nothing but "arcs", really!
Another thing, the latitude of these lines is 23.5 Degree North and South of Equator respectively, which is the same as the tilt of the Earth's North-Pole axis from the Celestial Sphere North South Pole! Do you see a connection?
Quantum Physics has validated that our perception is based on the world inside us. This has also been validated by Psychologists. For example, Native Americans of South America, when they initially "saw" (did not see) the fleet of ships coming to their coast, a big armada which can hardly be ignored by a modern naked eye, was even not seen by them for many days! It is because their brains were not programmed to "see" (visually register) ships and many days went on before suddenly the Spanish feet was spotted! This was covered in Discovery, PBS or History Channel. The Native Americans thought, that the visitors were their ancestral gods or guardians from their ancestor's home land! You see facts become fiction over the years and a lot of collective memory of the community is lost. So even these people who came by boats, as accepted now, since the Alaska Berring Strait Bridge being the route is now questioned, these people completely got the concept of boats and ships wiped out of their collective consciousness. So very naively, these people welcomed the Spanish Fleets and made them hospitable, only to be taught a new lesson of the perils of treating the guest as God!. In India the same philosphy was taught, despite the same lessons learnt. Perhaps the world has become a lot wiser about the crookedness of the rest of the world!
What I gain out of this exercise? The same pleasure which Anu Garg gets and same service he is doing. But Anu is taking the main stream approach and very subtly showing some Sanskrit words, but more often the Latin and Greek roots, which is the common practice if you want to be accepted by the main stream. I am hoping they would be more tolerant towards me and see the value I am extending! So when I play this game of parsing the English words to Sanskrit-ized words, I would sometime repeat to refine my results. For more details on the game and the rules, please see my posting on the same words listed in the subject.
Anyway, the word "Arctic", comes from "Arc", which mean as a verb to show light, and which I mentioned in the previous posting. Noun can also be made as "Arca", which is the epithet for Sun in Sanskrit. Arca-tic or Arca-tik is like "Krit" becoming "Kar-tik", just note on the suffix part as there is a different rule going on when "ri" becomes "ar" in their "Guna" or 1st level promotion of the vowel sound. So what it means a region where Sun-shine-ness is present. As often I have seen in words, for some reasons, the words sometimes take just the opposite meanings, even in the same language, and many times when crossing from Sanskrit to English. I have many examples of this, which I use to make my kids remember the words from their English background! Remember how the same concepts of "Off/On" and "Right/Left" are opposite between English and Americans? So the north pole region, which is above the Tropic of Cancer, is where the Sun does not exist! What it means is that the imaginary projection or the shadow of the Sun does not cross over the Tropic of Cancer! So this makes sense.
Now Antarctica would be "Anta-Arctic", which would mean the end of sun-shine-ness, which is beyond Tropic of Capricorn.
As you can see, the knowledge of the ancients, gets diluted and lost, as time goes on and people move. So like the kids from 1st generation immigrant parents, would be loosing that linguistic and cultural in-heritage and intonational knowledge build into a culture. So the Proto Indo European (PIE), as they moved around, they lost this knowledge, and only the staunchest stickler of their ancestor's way of life and beliefs, stuck to that to best possible extent. This would be the clue to finding the origin of PIE people.
As some of you may have notice the English word, "Arc" should trace to this root. So the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn are nothing but "arcs", really!
Another thing, the latitude of these lines is 23.5 Degree North and South of Equator respectively, which is the same as the tilt of the Earth's North-Pole axis from the Celestial Sphere North South Pole! Do you see a connection?
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Sandhi Rules in English Spellings
So far, I have talked about the article "a" and "an" in English following the same rule in usage before constants and vowels, but with a difference, that instead of using "a" and "an" for an article of singularity, in Sanskrit it is used as a prefix to make an opposite of a noun and an adjective - both used as nominatives or subjectives. If the word begins with a constant, "a" is used, and if the word begins with a vowel, then "an" is used!
Here in this posting I will talk about 3 more rules in English, that have their roots in Sanskrit, besides the one mentioned before - all are my observations.
To make a word into a comparative in English, the suffix "er" is used, e.g., cheap-er, and to make a word into a superlative, the suffix "est" is used, e.g. cheap-est. Guess what, in Sanskrit, for comparatives, suffixes "tar", "iyas", "iyar" or "iyah" are used, and for superlatives, suffixes, "tam" and "iyast" are used. The sound of Sanskrit "i" sounds like "e" in English, and often in Sanskrit, "i" becomes "y" before some vowels, as part of some degradation of their grades. So one can see that "er" and "est" are nothing but the remanants of Sanskrit suffixes, which I guess would also be there in Ancient Greece, Latin and other Indo European branches. In one of the postings, I would comment on my thoughts, why Sanskrit, in my view is the oldest of all IE surviving languages.
Also, in English, to make an "action" noun into an "agent" noun, suffixes "ar", "er", "or" are used. In Sanskrit, the sound "ri" is used to make it into a general root, like from verb root "pa", to protect, one gets a participle "action" noun, as "pita" and "agent" noun as "pit-ri", which then is declined to become "pita", "pitah", "pitar", "pituh", "pitur", and so on. There is another rule, where the suffix "ri" becomes "ir" sometime. I am not going into all the cases for all numbers, but you get the idea, that "ar", "ir" and "ur" are what makes the English endings. There is a rule where "a" and "u" combined, will make an "o" sound, so one can see "ur" becoming "or" sound.
Now to make some word in English into an opposite, we would use "un", "in, "im", "ir", "il". People who noticed how the same vowel sounds get mixed up with neighbouring vowels, would realize "a" can become "e", "i" and also convoluted suppressed sound of "u"! Think people saying Ram, as Rim, Rem, and Rum. So the Sanskrit sound of "an" used as a suffix to make a negative, would then become "in", and "un", where sound "e" is nothing but "a" and "i" combined in euphonics. Now if a word begins with "m", "r", or "l", the "n" in "in" would become "m", "r" or "l" respectively. This accounts for the suffixes, "im", "ir" and "il" besides, the suffix "in" and "un". This rule is like one of the rules in Sanskrit Sandhi!
Here in this posting I will talk about 3 more rules in English, that have their roots in Sanskrit, besides the one mentioned before - all are my observations.
To make a word into a comparative in English, the suffix "er" is used, e.g., cheap-er, and to make a word into a superlative, the suffix "est" is used, e.g. cheap-est. Guess what, in Sanskrit, for comparatives, suffixes "tar", "iyas", "iyar" or "iyah" are used, and for superlatives, suffixes, "tam" and "iyast" are used. The sound of Sanskrit "i" sounds like "e" in English, and often in Sanskrit, "i" becomes "y" before some vowels, as part of some degradation of their grades. So one can see that "er" and "est" are nothing but the remanants of Sanskrit suffixes, which I guess would also be there in Ancient Greece, Latin and other Indo European branches. In one of the postings, I would comment on my thoughts, why Sanskrit, in my view is the oldest of all IE surviving languages.
Also, in English, to make an "action" noun into an "agent" noun, suffixes "ar", "er", "or" are used. In Sanskrit, the sound "ri" is used to make it into a general root, like from verb root "pa", to protect, one gets a participle "action" noun, as "pita" and "agent" noun as "pit-ri", which then is declined to become "pita", "pitah", "pitar", "pituh", "pitur", and so on. There is another rule, where the suffix "ri" becomes "ir" sometime. I am not going into all the cases for all numbers, but you get the idea, that "ar", "ir" and "ur" are what makes the English endings. There is a rule where "a" and "u" combined, will make an "o" sound, so one can see "ur" becoming "or" sound.
Now to make some word in English into an opposite, we would use "un", "in, "im", "ir", "il". People who noticed how the same vowel sounds get mixed up with neighbouring vowels, would realize "a" can become "e", "i" and also convoluted suppressed sound of "u"! Think people saying Ram, as Rim, Rem, and Rum. So the Sanskrit sound of "an" used as a suffix to make a negative, would then become "in", and "un", where sound "e" is nothing but "a" and "i" combined in euphonics. Now if a word begins with "m", "r", or "l", the "n" in "in" would become "m", "r" or "l" respectively. This accounts for the suffixes, "im", "ir" and "il" besides, the suffix "in" and "un". This rule is like one of the rules in Sanskrit Sandhi!
Friday, August 31, 2007
King Minos of Crete and Manu of Hindus
I got this idea, when I was reading an article on Crete. Please see my posting on Crete.
On King Minos, Thucydides, and Herodotus had perpetuated traditions regarding King Minos, the great law-giver.
On Hindu Manu, the Manu Smriti Scripture of Ancient Hindu Laws is well known all over the world. Traditions says that the laws were given by Manu to Hindus.
If one puts the hard aspirate, Sanskrit "visarga", as often put before the Singular Subjective Nouns and Adjectives, it becomes Manu(h) or Manus.
Is it a strange co-incidence? I went to Wikipedia just to check out, if I could get some additional information on the subject. And guess what, this is what I got, which proved my thinking was not unique or weird!
It is not clear if Menes is a name or if it was the Cretan word for "King". Scholars have noted the interesting similarity between Minos and the names of other ancient founder-kings, such as Menes of Egypt, Mannus of Germany, Manu of India, and so on. There is a name in Linear A mi-nu-te that may be related to Minos.
On King Minos, Thucydides, and Herodotus had perpetuated traditions regarding King Minos, the great law-giver.
On Hindu Manu, the Manu Smriti Scripture of Ancient Hindu Laws is well known all over the world. Traditions says that the laws were given by Manu to Hindus.
If one puts the hard aspirate, Sanskrit "visarga", as often put before the Singular Subjective Nouns and Adjectives, it becomes Manu(h) or Manus.
Is it a strange co-incidence? I went to Wikipedia just to check out, if I could get some additional information on the subject. And guess what, this is what I got, which proved my thinking was not unique or weird!
It is not clear if Menes is a name or if it was the Cretan word for "King". Scholars have noted the interesting similarity between Minos and the names of other ancient founder-kings, such as Menes of Egypt, Mannus of Germany, Manu of India, and so on. There is a name in Linear A mi-nu-te that may be related to Minos.
Arctic, Antarctic, Antlantic, Antlantis, Paataala
This is just for fun sake to generate love for Sanskrit in people. It helped me understand a lot of words around us better. It is like associating a story with a word, and sometimes trying to re-invent a story that the ancients must have used to name a place.
Two rules to play this game - (1) Keep the syllables from the English name and approximate with known Sanskrit words to make a compound, and, (2) To see if the derived meaning from the compound Sanskrit word means close to the English word. This is my second pass at playing this game and it has made me revise this posting.
Antarctic - Anta + Rict + ic = End + Without + ness = Something without any end.
Antarctic - Ant + tar + it + ic = End + to move or manifest + "it' suffix for verb to past with participle with "i" rule + suffix for noun to adjective.
Antarctic = Ant + arc + t + ic = End + To shine + "t" suffix for verb to past participle + ic to convert noun to adjective.
Antarctica is at south pole, which qualifies for all the above definitions. It is a place where all time-zones and longitudinal lines meet! It is the southern end of earth till where one can sail, float or move. It is the last place where sun shines! Antarctica has six months of daylight and six months of darkness, which seems like never ending day or night! So magically all above meanings fit to my surprise! Call it wishful thinking and arbitrary rule selection! But I have seen a very famous Sanskrit Author doing the same game of guessing to understand how the world has come into existence!
Now if you want to go opposite side of Antarctica, you would remove the Ant prefix and call it Arctic, which is what the region of North Pole is called!
Antlantic = Ant + tal + ant + ic for adjective.
There are rules in Sanskrit, where constants can be doubled or duplicate constants dropped.
Ant-tal - meaning the end of tal, surface, place or water, or end-water-region
Ant-ic - adjective to indicate end-ness.
We get something that has "end of end-of-water/place/surface region" which very much describes an ocean that was a challenge to cross.
Antalantic = An + Atal + ant + ic
Atal - bottom less or rough or rocky
We get something that has "end of end of something which is bottom-less and/or rough", to describe the end of that region of rough sea that was rough to cross.
It also helps us speculate that crossing Pacific Ocean would have been easier to reach Americas, and for Indians, Chinese, Phoenicians, whose script has matched that of Indians, were most likely candidates to have reached Americas first. DNA study confirms Native Americans of Asiatic stock, and the Alaska being the route is now being questioned, in lieu of some new data arriving from carbon dating, fossils, and other sources. In one of the postings, I would post on this issue
Antlantis = Ant + tal + ant + tis
Ant - End, Boundary, Edge, Limit.
Tis, Des, Desh, Place, Country
Atlantis = End + Level + End + Place = Last Place in End of Water.
If try to connect Atlantis with Atlantic, Atlantic being the name of a region, ocean or body of water, with an adjective to describe the end of a map, east or west, as it does not matter in a globe, from point of view of the Ancients, which would be in places like Greek, Phoenicia, India, etc, which I have shown to be culturally and linguistically.
So Atlantis sounds like the last place in Atlantic, and Atlantic sounds like a last body of levelled water or rough sea.
This exercise would tell the readers that the sound "a" is the most confusing sound but most important sound in the languages. There are 3 grades to each vowel, lesser, middle and upper, but sound "a" has only 2 grade, and it becomes very ambiguous to map these 2 version to lesser and middle, or middle and upper grades.
Paataala - Paat-Taala - Fallen Surface/Bottom, Below Surface/Bottom
Place to describe the land of Americas, which is diametrically opposite India!
Two rules to play this game - (1) Keep the syllables from the English name and approximate with known Sanskrit words to make a compound, and, (2) To see if the derived meaning from the compound Sanskrit word means close to the English word. This is my second pass at playing this game and it has made me revise this posting.
Antarctic - Anta + Rict + ic = End + Without + ness = Something without any end.
Antarctic - Ant + tar + it + ic = End + to move or manifest + "it' suffix for verb to past with participle with "i" rule + suffix for noun to adjective.
Antarctic = Ant + arc + t + ic = End + To shine + "t" suffix for verb to past participle + ic to convert noun to adjective.
Antarctica is at south pole, which qualifies for all the above definitions. It is a place where all time-zones and longitudinal lines meet! It is the southern end of earth till where one can sail, float or move. It is the last place where sun shines! Antarctica has six months of daylight and six months of darkness, which seems like never ending day or night! So magically all above meanings fit to my surprise! Call it wishful thinking and arbitrary rule selection! But I have seen a very famous Sanskrit Author doing the same game of guessing to understand how the world has come into existence!
Now if you want to go opposite side of Antarctica, you would remove the Ant prefix and call it Arctic, which is what the region of North Pole is called!
Antlantic = Ant + tal + ant + ic for adjective.
There are rules in Sanskrit, where constants can be doubled or duplicate constants dropped.
Ant-tal - meaning the end of tal, surface, place or water, or end-water-region
Ant-ic - adjective to indicate end-ness.
We get something that has "end of end-of-water/place/surface region" which very much describes an ocean that was a challenge to cross.
Antalantic = An + Atal + ant + ic
Atal - bottom less or rough or rocky
We get something that has "end of end of something which is bottom-less and/or rough", to describe the end of that region of rough sea that was rough to cross.
It also helps us speculate that crossing Pacific Ocean would have been easier to reach Americas, and for Indians, Chinese, Phoenicians, whose script has matched that of Indians, were most likely candidates to have reached Americas first. DNA study confirms Native Americans of Asiatic stock, and the Alaska being the route is now being questioned, in lieu of some new data arriving from carbon dating, fossils, and other sources. In one of the postings, I would post on this issue
Antlantis = Ant + tal + ant + tis
Ant - End, Boundary, Edge, Limit.
Tis, Des, Desh, Place, Country
Atlantis = End + Level + End + Place = Last Place in End of Water.
If try to connect Atlantis with Atlantic, Atlantic being the name of a region, ocean or body of water, with an adjective to describe the end of a map, east or west, as it does not matter in a globe, from point of view of the Ancients, which would be in places like Greek, Phoenicia, India, etc, which I have shown to be culturally and linguistically.
So Atlantis sounds like the last place in Atlantic, and Atlantic sounds like a last body of levelled water or rough sea.
This exercise would tell the readers that the sound "a" is the most confusing sound but most important sound in the languages. There are 3 grades to each vowel, lesser, middle and upper, but sound "a" has only 2 grade, and it becomes very ambiguous to map these 2 version to lesser and middle, or middle and upper grades.
Paataala - Paat-Taala - Fallen Surface/Bottom, Below Surface/Bottom
Place to describe the land of Americas, which is diametrically opposite India!
Adam, Adim, Adamya
Adam - Adim or A-dam-ya
Adam, mankind's first father mentioned in Bible's Genesis story in Old Testament as well as in the Bible of Jews, which was based on Babylonia, and also found mentioned in the clay-books.
Aadim - Adjective for beginning or first is Aadi and Male Singular Objective would be Adim, which comes close to the meaning of Adam.
Adamya- Adjective for someone who can not be controlled or tamed, which fits with the story of Adam.
Adam, mankind's first father mentioned in Bible's Genesis story in Old Testament as well as in the Bible of Jews, which was based on Babylonia, and also found mentioned in the clay-books.
Aadim - Adjective for beginning or first is Aadi and Male Singular Objective would be Adim, which comes close to the meaning of Adam.
Adamya- Adjective for someone who can not be controlled or tamed, which fits with the story of Adam.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Agnus Dei And Gnothi Seauton
Agnus Dei - Agni Dev
Gnothi Seauton - Gnoti Sotam
Fire, Agni Dev, which Vedas also worshiped as a messenger to God, in sacrificial oblations.
In fact the word "Agnus Dei" in Latin in Christinity goes to Agni Dev and symbolizes the same concept.
At temple of Delphi, the inscription, "Gnothi Seauton" - know thyself, in Sanskrit would be "Gnoti Sotam". Attributed to Socrates, Plato or Pythogorous (same who is attributed to famous theorem on right angle triangle and also mentioned in Vedas in Vedangas).
The sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, and all the Pythian sanctuaries after it, were all centered around the "omphalus" (om-phallos - see posting on it), also called the "center, navel or womb of the world", which from the depictions was obviously a Siva lingam, with the Shakti serpent coiled around it and even bilva leaves scattered on it. Or you can say the symbol for worship of union of "female" and "male" creation energy aspect. (Shiva-Shakti or Brahman-Maya-shakti). Symbolically, the union of Male and Female Principle results in Fruit, Child, attached to the "navel" of Mother.
At one time I saw a picture of marble piece of shiv-lingam with yoni in the Vatican Musuem on Internet.
Picture of OmphalusPicture taken from a very interesting book writtenby Vicki Noble, "Shakti Woman: Feeling our Fire, Healing our World".
Gnothi Seauton - Gnoti Sotam
Fire, Agni Dev, which Vedas also worshiped as a messenger to God, in sacrificial oblations.
In fact the word "Agnus Dei" in Latin in Christinity goes to Agni Dev and symbolizes the same concept.
At temple of Delphi, the inscription, "Gnothi Seauton" - know thyself, in Sanskrit would be "Gnoti Sotam". Attributed to Socrates, Plato or Pythogorous (same who is attributed to famous theorem on right angle triangle and also mentioned in Vedas in Vedangas).
The sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, and all the Pythian sanctuaries after it, were all centered around the "omphalus" (om-phallos - see posting on it), also called the "center, navel or womb of the world", which from the depictions was obviously a Siva lingam, with the Shakti serpent coiled around it and even bilva leaves scattered on it. Or you can say the symbol for worship of union of "female" and "male" creation energy aspect. (Shiva-Shakti or Brahman-Maya-shakti). Symbolically, the union of Male and Female Principle results in Fruit, Child, attached to the "navel" of Mother.
At one time I saw a picture of marble piece of shiv-lingam with yoni in the Vatican Musuem on Internet.
Picture of OmphalusPicture taken from a very interesting book writtenby Vicki Noble, "Shakti Woman: Feeling our Fire, Healing our World".
Anna Perenna And Hilaria
Anna Perenna - Is it Anna Purna or Amma Purna?
Hilaria - Is it Holica, Holika or Holi?
Festival by Greeks and Romans for New Year, around March 15, when the Sun had completed the solar ambulation according to ancients, e.g. around Spring Equinox. Since Sun is considered Source of Life and Food, this festival was also equated to Mother Godess. Other names are Cyble, Isis and etc.
In Sanskrit the word Anna Purna mean the same as Giver of Food and Life, and "n" can become "m", which is Amma, Mother Godess.
Another name is Maya which becomes Maiya or Maia (names for Ancient Godess of Greeks).*/Hilaria.html
Around March time, the variation of the same festival.
Now we have Holi in March. Just a coincidence?
Leap year counting, Solar/Lunar Calanders, and knowledge of 3rd axis of Earth's spin known to Indians and Chinese only in ancient time, (basis for difference in Indic/Chinese Astrology and Arab/Western Astrology) and drifting in space and time accounts for the variations in dates.
Hilaria - Is it Holica, Holika or Holi?
Festival by Greeks and Romans for New Year, around March 15, when the Sun had completed the solar ambulation according to ancients, e.g. around Spring Equinox. Since Sun is considered Source of Life and Food, this festival was also equated to Mother Godess. Other names are Cyble, Isis and etc.
In Sanskrit the word Anna Purna mean the same as Giver of Food and Life, and "n" can become "m", which is Amma, Mother Godess.
Another name is Maya which becomes Maiya or Maia (names for Ancient Godess of Greeks).*/Hilaria.html
Around March time, the variation of the same festival.
Now we have Holi in March. Just a coincidence?
Leap year counting, Solar/Lunar Calanders, and knowledge of 3rd axis of Earth's spin known to Indians and Chinese only in ancient time, (basis for difference in Indic/Chinese Astrology and Arab/Western Astrology) and drifting in space and time accounts for the variations in dates.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Syria and Asyria - Brahman and Abrahm(an)
Please read the previous posting to understand the use of article "a" and "an" in Sanskrit and IE classical languages to denote a negative meaning.
The Surya and Asurya Split - which became the basis for countries being named Syria and Asyria. Arabs still call Syria as Surya. Ashura, Asura, Ahura are well know cognate words.
Vedic people were Deva worshippers and also called Surya sorshippers. Devas or Gods were the ruling gods or angels of different aspects of nature, like Indra, Vayu, Agni and so on. They were also called Brahmanic religion because they believed in the Brahman (singular subjective is Brahma) as the Super Soul that pervades everywhere, is beyond past, present and future. They were made up of Iranian and Indo people. The deva's worship was followed up by Iconic worship, which became the cause of a split between them. Devas called the Iranian people "Asuryas", and Iranian people called Indian "Devas" or "Suryas".
Jews got their theosphy from Babylonians, which were ruled by Persians Zorastrians (A-Suryas), and also from Egyptians, which were already influenced by Persians, and before that there were hardly monotheists. Plus they were the nomads who shot off from Babylonia. Their "Coming of Age" Ceremony, where a thread is tied is same as Zoroastrians and Hindus. You can call the Suryas as Brahman-ic Religion and A-Suryas as A-Brahaman-ic Religion, e.g. Abrahman (subject singular is A-Brahma).
Their is so much similarity between stories of Brhama and Abrahma. Often the religion invents parables as stories of moral value and lessons in faith, and then people take up the names of the characters in the stories, and soon myth and facts start mixing to become religious history or mythology. People from inside the religion call it history, and from the outside of the religion call it mythology.
The Surya and Asurya article also talks about how Jews in captivity took Persians ideas and philosophies.
The Surya and Asurya Split - which became the basis for countries being named Syria and Asyria. Arabs still call Syria as Surya. Ashura, Asura, Ahura are well know cognate words.
Vedic people were Deva worshippers and also called Surya sorshippers. Devas or Gods were the ruling gods or angels of different aspects of nature, like Indra, Vayu, Agni and so on. They were also called Brahmanic religion because they believed in the Brahman (singular subjective is Brahma) as the Super Soul that pervades everywhere, is beyond past, present and future. They were made up of Iranian and Indo people. The deva's worship was followed up by Iconic worship, which became the cause of a split between them. Devas called the Iranian people "Asuryas", and Iranian people called Indian "Devas" or "Suryas".
Jews got their theosphy from Babylonians, which were ruled by Persians Zorastrians (A-Suryas), and also from Egyptians, which were already influenced by Persians, and before that there were hardly monotheists. Plus they were the nomads who shot off from Babylonia. Their "Coming of Age" Ceremony, where a thread is tied is same as Zoroastrians and Hindus. You can call the Suryas as Brahman-ic Religion and A-Suryas as A-Brahaman-ic Religion, e.g. Abrahman (subject singular is A-Brahma).
Their is so much similarity between stories of Brhama and Abrahma. Often the religion invents parables as stories of moral value and lessons in faith, and then people take up the names of the characters in the stories, and soon myth and facts start mixing to become religious history or mythology. People from inside the religion call it history, and from the outside of the religion call it mythology.
The Surya and Asurya article also talks about how Jews in captivity took Persians ideas and philosophies.
Romania and Armenia
Could it be Romania and Aromania? Or Rama-nia and A-Rama-nia? It is a well known folk lore fact that Gypsies of Romania came from India. The genetic_evidence also states the same fact.
The article "a" in Indo European languages, like in Sanskrit for sure, is often used as a negative, but follows the same rule of article "a" and "an" when it comes to words beginning with consonants and vowels respectively, which is same as the rule in English for article "a" and "an".
The ancients would often use the article "a" and "an" to depict an opposite. Is it a strange coincidence that today's Romania and Armenia are on opposite sides of the Black Sea.
Other interesting facts are Azerbaijan has a Jwala-Devi , e.g. Fire Goddess, temple, with Sanskrit inscription and is the only one outside India. The one in India is in Punjab.
Shivini, is said to be the Solar God for Armenia. Interestingly, the picture below shows a picture of a Lingam, besides the Tree of Life depicted on it. The lingam is the symbol of "Male Principle", which the Solar God is equated to.

Surprisingly, there is a city called Armeni in Crete and I have posted an article on "Aum Sign in Crete."
The article "a" in Indo European languages, like in Sanskrit for sure, is often used as a negative, but follows the same rule of article "a" and "an" when it comes to words beginning with consonants and vowels respectively, which is same as the rule in English for article "a" and "an".
The ancients would often use the article "a" and "an" to depict an opposite. Is it a strange coincidence that today's Romania and Armenia are on opposite sides of the Black Sea.
Other interesting facts are Azerbaijan has a Jwala-Devi , e.g. Fire Goddess, temple, with Sanskrit inscription and is the only one outside India. The one in India is in Punjab.
Shivini, is said to be the Solar God for Armenia. Interestingly, the picture below shows a picture of a Lingam, besides the Tree of Life depicted on it. The lingam is the symbol of "Male Principle", which the Solar God is equated to.

Surprisingly, there is a city called Armeni in Crete and I have posted an article on "Aum Sign in Crete."
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Atom and Atma.
English is based on Saxon, German and Latin, where Latin goes back to Ancient Greece, and German goes back to Sanskrit. So short answer is that the word comes from German Scientists who were the earlier pioneers of the field of Atomic Science. In German the word is called "Atam", but the sound of letter "a", in some languages is built into the constant and in some it is not not. Example, Rama in Sanskrit and Ram in Hindi.
Now the detailed explanation. Let's define what life is or what consciousness behind life is. In one of the Upanishads, life or conciousness behind life is called, something that: (1) has motion, (2) replicates, divides or reproduces, (3) ingests food or energy, and (4) excretes or gives out lower form of food or energy. By this definition we can also call atomic particles having life! But you do not have to go that far. We know that Amoeba has life. And our bodies have millions cells of Amoeba and they die every time and are reborn. Does that mean you have died? You will say no, I am the same Mr. X or Ms. Y. But the truth is that all cells of your body get replaced every 10 years. So are you the body? The answer here can not be "yes" as then your body gets changed every 10 years with all new cells and you have a different body.
So regressing like this, the great Hindu Philosophers came up with the Philosophy of Brahman or Vedanta saying that the whole Universe, what was there, what is now and what would be there, sentient and in-sentient, animate and unanimate, what we can see, no matter how far, at microscopic and macroscopic levels, and what we can not see included, is all Brahman or Supersoul, and like Amoeba Cell Bodies in our bodies, and we will never die as we are that Brahman! But our identification of ourselves with body, mind, ego and intellect fools us to believe this physical world to be true and our senses absolutely fine, but science has already shown that we do not see and hear everything! And science has shown there are 16 dimensions. So how can we all be sure of our religions and say, "Yes my way is the right-way, otherwise Amigos, take the High-way."
This philosophy was also complemented with Hindu Philosophy that everything is made of the same unit and they called it "Atman"/"Atma" or Soul. So you see how scientific it is. In fact the Laws of Conservation of Mass, and Laws of Conservation of Energy, which both laws were later combined by Einstein famous formula of E=MC^2, was first stated by Hindus in their Scriptures, which says Soul or Atma never dies, and it recycles or re-incarnates. So at atomic level we can not argue this.
Now in 1989 there was some article about experiments being done by Japanese Scientists in one the Time or Newsweek magazine, which said they were trying to capture some rare atomic particles, called some Fermi Particles, who were travelling for eons, millions of years in the space, and they were seeking out their "identical twin particle" from whom they had separated millions of years and miles before! So if these particles can have memory, one can still say that the memory is nothing but something made of atomic particles, whether it is an abstract energy or matter, does not matter, as we know they are nothing but same, we can expect Reincarnation at Human Mind Level and Lives!
Updating the posting, when I found this news:
IBM Engineers Store Information in Single Atom
Now the detailed explanation. Let's define what life is or what consciousness behind life is. In one of the Upanishads, life or conciousness behind life is called, something that: (1) has motion, (2) replicates, divides or reproduces, (3) ingests food or energy, and (4) excretes or gives out lower form of food or energy. By this definition we can also call atomic particles having life! But you do not have to go that far. We know that Amoeba has life. And our bodies have millions cells of Amoeba and they die every time and are reborn. Does that mean you have died? You will say no, I am the same Mr. X or Ms. Y. But the truth is that all cells of your body get replaced every 10 years. So are you the body? The answer here can not be "yes" as then your body gets changed every 10 years with all new cells and you have a different body.
So regressing like this, the great Hindu Philosophers came up with the Philosophy of Brahman or Vedanta saying that the whole Universe, what was there, what is now and what would be there, sentient and in-sentient, animate and unanimate, what we can see, no matter how far, at microscopic and macroscopic levels, and what we can not see included, is all Brahman or Supersoul, and like Amoeba Cell Bodies in our bodies, and we will never die as we are that Brahman! But our identification of ourselves with body, mind, ego and intellect fools us to believe this physical world to be true and our senses absolutely fine, but science has already shown that we do not see and hear everything! And science has shown there are 16 dimensions. So how can we all be sure of our religions and say, "Yes my way is the right-way, otherwise Amigos, take the High-way."
This philosophy was also complemented with Hindu Philosophy that everything is made of the same unit and they called it "Atman"/"Atma" or Soul. So you see how scientific it is. In fact the Laws of Conservation of Mass, and Laws of Conservation of Energy, which both laws were later combined by Einstein famous formula of E=MC^2, was first stated by Hindus in their Scriptures, which says Soul or Atma never dies, and it recycles or re-incarnates. So at atomic level we can not argue this.
Now in 1989 there was some article about experiments being done by Japanese Scientists in one the Time or Newsweek magazine, which said they were trying to capture some rare atomic particles, called some Fermi Particles, who were travelling for eons, millions of years in the space, and they were seeking out their "identical twin particle" from whom they had separated millions of years and miles before! So if these particles can have memory, one can still say that the memory is nothing but something made of atomic particles, whether it is an abstract energy or matter, does not matter, as we know they are nothing but same, we can expect Reincarnation at Human Mind Level and Lives!
Updating the posting, when I found this news:
IBM Engineers Store Information in Single Atom
Monday, August 20, 2007
Phallus, Phallic, Omphallos Business
Phallic, Phallus, Om-phall-os
This is from a history book (need to find out which book), "The idea that the Sanscrit p'hala or p'hulla may in sense, as well as sound, be cognate with and' the source of the Greek phallus, derives strength from the fact that Mahadeva, in his character corresponding with that of Jupiter Marina, or Neptune, bears, like his Roman kinsman, a trident, called Triphula and sometimes Triphala, denoting trifurcation and triflorescence. Jupiter Triphylus is thus identified with the three-eyed Siva. "

The above two "om-phallos" are nothing but lingams and the presence of snake only confirms it.
My conjecture to explain why the Lingam, found in others parts, including ancient Greek, Egypt, Lydia, Babylon, Troy, etc., with same prinicple of worship and veneration, is called Om-phallos by Greeks and the adjective - phallic - in phallic worship. It is based on Ancient Greek being very close to Sanskrit. There is a rule in Sanskrit and Hindi which says when you add "ic" or "ik" (for transliteraltion does not capture the Guttral Hard Unaspirated K), it becomes like -ness, and from noun to adjective. So Mangal becomes Mangal-ik, Satva, Satva-ik, Deva, Deva-ik, Prakiti, Prakiti-ik, and so on. So Fruit Phal becomes Phal-ic. For genetive case, sometimes "ah" or "as" is also employed, besides -asya for singular, which can become "os". So phal can become phal-os. And there is some rules where 'l' can be doubled or in case of transliterations, sounds are approximated and doubled sometimes.
The world comes from Sanskrit, which Greeks also took, since they are sister languages, or Sanskrit happens to be its mother language, and they worshiped "Omphallos", which is Om-phall-os.(If you see where English is spoken with most versatile grammer and expression, then you can say the source of English must be UK, and similarly one can show Sanskrit is more versatile than ancient Greece but still very close).
Now surprisingly, in Sanskrit, the world "Phal" means Fruit, Lingam or Oblesik, and Male Generative Organ. The word "Om" is nothing but short form of "Aum", as the "A" and "U" becomes "O" in Classical Languages like Sanskrit and Greece. Have you ever wondered what the "om" in om-ni-scient, om-ni-present, and om-ni-powerful comes from? It denotes the same aspect of all Powerful God. In Hinduism, AUM or OM is the symbol for the Brahman or the Super Soul. The suffix "os" is coming from Declensions, where it could mean genitive case, and some euphonics combination rules (like in Sandhi of Sanskrit). So it means Fruit of the Supreme Soul, which is what is really the whole life here is in our forms, including the resources on earth, which ancients were taught to respect (read they anticipated the today's Global Warming, which I will talk about later). Sometimes "l" can double in classical IE Languages. Now in the word, "Phallic", it is denoting the symbol of English "ness" as an adjective, since their is a rule which says, you can add "ic" to make it and adjective.
In religion there are two parts: Esoteric meanings for the Priests and the Learned, and Exoteric meanings for the Masses and the Unlearned. Think how many people were educated in the US 100 years back, and in fact how many people are really educated even now. So you can not blame the exoteric and crude meaning being propogated and the modern society calling it a "penis worhsip" in the name of "Phallic Worship". Recent Discovery Channel made an announcement of their findings, that all of middle east had snake worships. So was Sun Worship also prevalant all over the world (Snake mounds, Lingams and AUM signs have been found in the Americas also).
This is from a history book (need to find out which book), "The idea that the Sanscrit p'hala or p'hulla may in sense, as well as sound, be cognate with and' the source of the Greek phallus, derives strength from the fact that Mahadeva, in his character corresponding with that of Jupiter Marina, or Neptune, bears, like his Roman kinsman, a trident, called Triphula and sometimes Triphala, denoting trifurcation and triflorescence. Jupiter Triphylus is thus identified with the three-eyed Siva. "


The above two "om-phallos" are nothing but lingams and the presence of snake only confirms it.
My conjecture to explain why the Lingam, found in others parts, including ancient Greek, Egypt, Lydia, Babylon, Troy, etc., with same prinicple of worship and veneration, is called Om-phallos by Greeks and the adjective - phallic - in phallic worship. It is based on Ancient Greek being very close to Sanskrit. There is a rule in Sanskrit and Hindi which says when you add "ic" or "ik" (for transliteraltion does not capture the Guttral Hard Unaspirated K), it becomes like -ness, and from noun to adjective. So Mangal becomes Mangal-ik, Satva, Satva-ik, Deva, Deva-ik, Prakiti, Prakiti-ik, and so on. So Fruit Phal becomes Phal-ic. For genetive case, sometimes "ah" or "as" is also employed, besides -asya for singular, which can become "os". So phal can become phal-os. And there is some rules where 'l' can be doubled or in case of transliterations, sounds are approximated and doubled sometimes.
The world comes from Sanskrit, which Greeks also took, since they are sister languages, or Sanskrit happens to be its mother language, and they worshiped "Omphallos", which is Om-phall-os.(If you see where English is spoken with most versatile grammer and expression, then you can say the source of English must be UK, and similarly one can show Sanskrit is more versatile than ancient Greece but still very close).
Now surprisingly, in Sanskrit, the world "Phal" means Fruit, Lingam or Oblesik, and Male Generative Organ. The word "Om" is nothing but short form of "Aum", as the "A" and "U" becomes "O" in Classical Languages like Sanskrit and Greece. Have you ever wondered what the "om" in om-ni-scient, om-ni-present, and om-ni-powerful comes from? It denotes the same aspect of all Powerful God. In Hinduism, AUM or OM is the symbol for the Brahman or the Super Soul. The suffix "os" is coming from Declensions, where it could mean genitive case, and some euphonics combination rules (like in Sandhi of Sanskrit). So it means Fruit of the Supreme Soul, which is what is really the whole life here is in our forms, including the resources on earth, which ancients were taught to respect (read they anticipated the today's Global Warming, which I will talk about later). Sometimes "l" can double in classical IE Languages. Now in the word, "Phallic", it is denoting the symbol of English "ness" as an adjective, since their is a rule which says, you can add "ic" to make it and adjective.
In religion there are two parts: Esoteric meanings for the Priests and the Learned, and Exoteric meanings for the Masses and the Unlearned. Think how many people were educated in the US 100 years back, and in fact how many people are really educated even now. So you can not blame the exoteric and crude meaning being propogated and the modern society calling it a "penis worhsip" in the name of "Phallic Worship". Recent Discovery Channel made an announcement of their findings, that all of middle east had snake worships. So was Sun Worship also prevalant all over the world (Snake mounds, Lingams and AUM signs have been found in the Americas also).
Sanskrit-iz-ed Words with Simple and Compound Siblants
Some words on the famouse "s" to "h" rule observed in Saptha -> Haptha, Sindhu -> Hindu, Soma -> Homa. Please note in Sanskrit their are 3 Siblant sounds, cereberal "sh", palatal "sh", dental "s" and compounds with "k", for cererbaral "ksh", palatal "ksh" and dental "ks". Sometimes in english translations, "h" can become "a" without aspiration of "h", "Sh" can become "Ch" (like shunt) or "c" and the compounds with letter "k" can become "c" (like caulk), "q" or "k".
Hammurabi - Somu-Ravi - Moon-Sun . See the artcile on Hammu Rabi. Also see the explaination below on "Chorus - Korus - Surya-ish - Suresh ".
Helen(e) - Shaalin or Shaaliin (possessing a house or room, possessing, abounding in , full of , possessed of , amply provided or furnished with , conversant with , distinguished, name of a teacher , name of a woman, having a fixed house or abode , settled , established , domestic, modest, an opulent householder , one who devotes himself to household or worldly affairs, cultured , modesty , humility and well behaved. Shila and Sheel also mean what is meant by the last few words. Helen-nis-tic word is used to denote anything that has to do with ancient Greece culture and history, and often includes, Troy, Crete, Athena, Sparta, and Mino nations. The names Selene (Selene Dion) is related to Shaalin. Sheel, Shiela, Shailesh or Shila-ish (related to lord of mountains, Shiva (God), who is the provider of all that is possed and furnished, and also a house-holder). All the words here describe the attributes one can think of the Greek Culture, which has become the proud legacy for the Western Civilization. Since the ancients also thought the Sun to be the provider, the word "Helios" also is related to the word.
Chorus - Korus - Surya-ish - Suresh - Sun God or Lord. Chorus is a famous Persian King which was considered to be a solar incarnation king, who also ruled Babylonia, and set the bonded Jews free from their Babylonia captivity, and also helped them rebuild the Solomon's Temple in Jerusulem. Mohammad, the founder of Islam, was from Quereshi priest family who were Solar worshippers. So in Sanskrit, someone who is worshiping Suresh will be called Sureshi. Often siblants with "k" have their "k" dropped in pronounciations (like in Hindi it is Shatri but in Sanskrit it is Kshatri), or the later siblant is dropped (like Khatri from Kshatri). Now in English translation, the sound one gets from "K" in classical language like Sanskrit, can be replaced with "q" or "ch", specially by the colonial historians who did not have background to Sanskrit letter sounds. So "Qureshi" is a Muslim name and now it points to their ancestors religion. Shamash or Shamesh also means the same, as Sun Worshipper, and may be corruption of Suresh, which is "Surya-ish" Please see the article on Hammu Rabi.
Horus - Chorus - Egyptian Solar God.
Kurus - Solar Worshipper Dynasty mentioned in Mahabharat.
Hammurabi - Somu-Ravi - Moon-Sun . See the artcile on Hammu Rabi. Also see the explaination below on "Chorus - Korus - Surya-ish - Suresh ".
Helen(e) - Shaalin or Shaaliin (possessing a house or room, possessing, abounding in , full of , possessed of , amply provided or furnished with , conversant with , distinguished, name of a teacher , name of a woman, having a fixed house or abode , settled , established , domestic, modest, an opulent householder , one who devotes himself to household or worldly affairs, cultured , modesty , humility and well behaved. Shila and Sheel also mean what is meant by the last few words. Helen-nis-tic word is used to denote anything that has to do with ancient Greece culture and history, and often includes, Troy, Crete, Athena, Sparta, and Mino nations. The names Selene (Selene Dion) is related to Shaalin. Sheel, Shiela, Shailesh or Shila-ish (related to lord of mountains, Shiva (God), who is the provider of all that is possed and furnished, and also a house-holder). All the words here describe the attributes one can think of the Greek Culture, which has become the proud legacy for the Western Civilization. Since the ancients also thought the Sun to be the provider, the word "Helios" also is related to the word.
Chorus - Korus - Surya-ish - Suresh - Sun God or Lord. Chorus is a famous Persian King which was considered to be a solar incarnation king, who also ruled Babylonia, and set the bonded Jews free from their Babylonia captivity, and also helped them rebuild the Solomon's Temple in Jerusulem. Mohammad, the founder of Islam, was from Quereshi priest family who were Solar worshippers. So in Sanskrit, someone who is worshiping Suresh will be called Sureshi. Often siblants with "k" have their "k" dropped in pronounciations (like in Hindi it is Shatri but in Sanskrit it is Kshatri), or the later siblant is dropped (like Khatri from Kshatri). Now in English translation, the sound one gets from "K" in classical language like Sanskrit, can be replaced with "q" or "ch", specially by the colonial historians who did not have background to Sanskrit letter sounds. So "Qureshi" is a Muslim name and now it points to their ancestors religion. Shamash or Shamesh also means the same, as Sun Worshipper, and may be corruption of Suresh, which is "Surya-ish" Please see the article on Hammu Rabi.
Horus - Chorus - Egyptian Solar God.
Kurus - Solar Worshipper Dynasty mentioned in Mahabharat.
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