This is just for fun sake to generate love for Sanskrit in people. It helped me understand a lot of words around us better. It is like associating a story with a word, and sometimes trying to re-invent a story that the ancients must have used to name a place.
Two rules to play this game - (1) Keep the syllables from the English name and approximate with known Sanskrit words to make a compound, and, (2) To see if the derived meaning from the compound Sanskrit word means close to the English word. This is my second pass at playing this game and it has made me revise this posting.
Antarctic - Anta + Rict + ic = End + Without + ness = Something without any end.
Antarctic - Ant + tar + it + ic = End + to move or manifest + "it' suffix for verb to past with participle with "i" rule + suffix for noun to adjective.
Antarctic = Ant + arc + t + ic = End + To shine + "t" suffix for verb to past participle + ic to convert noun to adjective.
Antarctica is at south pole, which qualifies for all the above definitions. It is a place where all time-zones and longitudinal lines meet! It is the southern end of earth till where one can sail, float or move. It is the last place where sun shines! Antarctica has six months of daylight and six months of darkness, which seems like never ending day or night! So magically all above meanings fit to my surprise! Call it wishful thinking and arbitrary rule selection! But I have seen a very famous Sanskrit Author doing the same game of guessing to understand how the world has come into existence!
Now if you want to go opposite side of Antarctica, you would remove the Ant prefix and call it Arctic, which is what the region of North Pole is called!
Antlantic = Ant + tal + ant + ic for adjective.
There are rules in Sanskrit, where constants can be doubled or duplicate constants dropped.
Ant-tal - meaning the end of tal, surface, place or water, or end-water-region
Ant-ic - adjective to indicate end-ness.
We get something that has "end of end-of-water/place/surface region" which very much describes an ocean that was a challenge to cross.
Antalantic = An + Atal + ant + ic
Atal - bottom less or rough or rocky
We get something that has "end of end of something which is bottom-less and/or rough", to describe the end of that region of rough sea that was rough to cross.
It also helps us speculate that crossing Pacific Ocean would have been easier to reach Americas, and for Indians, Chinese, Phoenicians, whose script has matched that of Indians, were most likely candidates to have reached Americas first. DNA study confirms Native Americans of Asiatic stock, and the Alaska being the route is now being questioned, in lieu of some new data arriving from carbon dating, fossils, and other sources. In one of the postings, I would post on this issue
Antlantis = Ant + tal + ant + tis
Ant - End, Boundary, Edge, Limit.
Tis, Des, Desh, Place, Country
Atlantis = End + Level + End + Place = Last Place in End of Water.
If try to connect Atlantis with Atlantic, Atlantic being the name of a region, ocean or body of water, with an adjective to describe the end of a map, east or west, as it does not matter in a globe, from point of view of the Ancients, which would be in places like Greek, Phoenicia, India, etc, which I have shown to be culturally and linguistically.
So Atlantis sounds like the last place in Atlantic, and Atlantic sounds like a last body of levelled water or rough sea.
This exercise would tell the readers that the sound "a" is the most confusing sound but most important sound in the languages. There are 3 grades to each vowel, lesser, middle and upper, but sound "a" has only 2 grade, and it becomes very ambiguous to map these 2 version to lesser and middle, or middle and upper grades.
Paataala - Paat-Taala - Fallen Surface/Bottom, Below Surface/Bottom
Place to describe the land of Americas, which is diametrically opposite India!