Saturday, February 21, 2009

Niyomi, Gaiyomi - ni-ya-om--i-ii, gaa-i-ya-om-i or gNa-i-ya-om-i

ni-ya-om-i-ii - Lady "In Undertaking that someone which is the God Principle"

gaa-i-ya-om-i - Man "In Escatasical Song that someone which is the God Principle"

gNa-i-ya-om-i - Man "In Knowledge of that someone which is the God Principle"

The above names are common to Persians, Afganistaan, and many people settled all over the globe.

One of Palo Alto Medical Group Doctors name is Gayaomi and when I told his name means what it means as per the above parsing, he was impressed and said yes his name in Persian means the same, which is not surprising as they are the two major branches of the Indo European Languages.

An-ik-aa - Feminine for that person who can not be destroyed (then it means it can only destroy others, a slayer of Enemies, an epithet of Durga or Kaali). Other meaning is something that can not be compared.