Wednesday, February 4, 2009

interdict - iint-tar-dik-t

interdict - Prohibition

iint- Root for "to interject", without "a", and with "a" it becomes an Action Noun. Here we write "t" assuming to be having "a" sound build in.

ii or i - it also means "to see", "to observe". "to preceive", "to move" (this is what I recall).

ii-nt - then becomes Present Participle Active Strong "suffix" end.

tR - Suffix to make it an Agent Noun Generic Root. It becomes "tar".

tar - Suffix to make a Comparitive Adjective, Pronoun or Noun.

dik(S) - Root meaning "to see", "to observe". Next grade sound is "dek(S)", and adding Present Participle becomes "dek(S)t" and adding Passive Present Participle, it becomes "dik(S)it" (you do not add the next grade sound), and one does not mix "S", Cererberal "s", and other Dental and Palatals "s's", with "t" (this is a very common rule in Sanskrit, like the rule "k" always liking the "s'es").

So the word " iint-tar-dik-t" becomes "an Action Agent Noun (Instrument) to oversee control or binding".

Or the world " ii-nt-tar-dik-t" also means "a better binding of control", which is same as before and close in meaning.

One can also use "ii-nt-tar-tar-dik-t", but because of repeating "tr" sound, one can be dropped.