There is a Sanskrit rule called "Samprassana" or making of Vowels into Consonants, where "u" becomes "v", "i" becomes "y", and "R(i)" becomes "ar".
So "uttar" is a comparative pronoun and it becomes "vattar" which becomes "better".
"b" and "v" are two sounds that get intermixed.
Like a Bengali Indian would say "Bijoy" instead of "Vijay" (note "a" becomes "o" also).
Same way the state of Bihar was actually called Vihar during its golden period, literally meaning Paradise (another word taken from Sanskrit and Persian, and is actually "para-desh", the state beyond, which is heaven).
Now it is another matter that it has become a "Bekar" State (useless), but still produces many Intellectuals but most of them chose to go to IAS (Indian Administrative Services) only to become corrupt Beauracrats.
Or "Varma" becomes "Burma" or "Varman" becomes "Burman". "Varman" is the generic noun root which means "chosen one" or "the best", e.g., because you choose the best. "Varma" is Singular Subject Noun.
Yes that brings to "Uttar Pradesh" which has become "Ulta Pradesh" (the upside down State).
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
propagate - pra-paa-gaat, pra-apa-gaat, pra-paa-aa-gaat, pra-apa-aa-gaat
propagate - to move forward following a pettern of dispersion
pra-paa-gaat, pra-apa-gaat, pra-paa-aa-gaat, pra-apa-aa-gaat
pra - prefix to self forth an action denoted by certain verb root.
paa - to obtain (but unlikely as in sanskrit forming compounds of 2 verbs is something I can not think of immediately).
apa - prefix for underaway
aa - prefix for "towards itself"
gaat - going. The root is "ga" which means to go (wow see the connection in sound and how the "a" of learned becomes "o" for the unlearned), and "gat" or "gaat" is either present participle meaning "going" or past participle meaning "gone".
pra-paa-gaat, pra-apa-gaat, pra-paa-aa-gaat, pra-apa-aa-gaat
pra - prefix to self forth an action denoted by certain verb root.
paa - to obtain (but unlikely as in sanskrit forming compounds of 2 verbs is something I can not think of immediately).
apa - prefix for underaway
aa - prefix for "towards itself"
gaat - going. The root is "ga" which means to go (wow see the connection in sound and how the "a" of learned becomes "o" for the unlearned), and "gat" or "gaat" is either present participle meaning "going" or past participle meaning "gone".
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Pamela,Pamella, Pamila, Pamilla - Premilla, Premila, Prem-i-Leela, Prem-i-Lila
This just shows yet another Indo Europeans spreading out from a common root, which the modern scholars have tough time locating to a physical place.
Prem - to love, to show love.
Lila - is the act, the play.
missing "r" just shows the westerners had a tough time sounding "cereberal sounds" where the toung has to curl up and touch the palate. In Sanskrit, we have 5 + 1 sounds, and only "r" has survived as semi-vowel as part of the semi-vowels, "y", "r" "l", and "v"(one cal also include "h". which is spoken soft stop and counter part to "ah", which is visarga, the unspoken hard stop).
Hypothetically - and not really correct - if "a" is a hard vowel, then "ah" can be taken as hard aspirated vowel, then "h" can be taken as soft (semi) vowel, and "hh" can be taken as aspirated soft vowel - but in reality we taken "a" as a soft vowel and do not have "hh" as any vowel.
So "a" is kept seperate, and "ah" and "h" are taken as counter parts, one as "visraga" hard aspirate and the other as "h" soft aspirate, even though "a" is taken as a soft vowel and removed from the pairing.
Further "ah" can become "aR", "aS", "as" and "ach" sounds when following Sandhi or Phonetics Combination Principles of Sanskrit Sounds.
Prem - to love, to show love.
Lila - is the act, the play.
missing "r" just shows the westerners had a tough time sounding "cereberal sounds" where the toung has to curl up and touch the palate. In Sanskrit, we have 5 + 1 sounds, and only "r" has survived as semi-vowel as part of the semi-vowels, "y", "r" "l", and "v"(one cal also include "h". which is spoken soft stop and counter part to "ah", which is visarga, the unspoken hard stop).
Hypothetically - and not really correct - if "a" is a hard vowel, then "ah" can be taken as hard aspirated vowel, then "h" can be taken as soft (semi) vowel, and "hh" can be taken as aspirated soft vowel - but in reality we taken "a" as a soft vowel and do not have "hh" as any vowel.
So "a" is kept seperate, and "ah" and "h" are taken as counter parts, one as "visraga" hard aspirate and the other as "h" soft aspirate, even though "a" is taken as a soft vowel and removed from the pairing.
Further "ah" can become "aR", "aS", "as" and "ach" sounds when following Sandhi or Phonetics Combination Principles of Sanskrit Sounds.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
corrigible - KOR-i-juh-buhl (Latin) - ku-ra-ya-juh-bhuul
adjective: Capable of being corrected.
From Latin corrigere (to correct). Ultimately from the Indo-European reg- (to move in a straight line, to lead or rule) that is also the source of regent, regime, direct, rectangle, erect, rectum, alert, source, and surge.
ka-ra-ya-juh-bhuul - Helping or promoting to sacrifice a mistake
ka-ra - Helping, Promoting
ku-ra - To utter a sound
ya - something that needs to be done, to make it a Potential Particle from verb, and many a times "i" is used to join words, and it can also become "ya".
juha - Sacrifice
bhuul - Mistake
There is no root for "ko-ra", except for some nouns, and the retrograde sound, "ku-ra" means "to utter a sound", and the prefix "ku" typically is used to indicate a "bad something" or to attach a negative meaning.
Anyway it shows corruptions of initiated sounds to un-initiated sounds, e.g. from someone knowing and taught in the science of sounds and thoughts, to someone using without the training. Similarly, the sound "bhuul" becomes "buhl", which backs what is said.
This points west-ward migration of the Indo Europeans, from North Western Indian Sub Continent, e.g. Sindu or Indus River area. This migration happened first in 40,000 BC and there seems to be many waves of "reverse settlements", as well as a major reversal from the North en side in 10500 BC, and this whole thing has added to the confusion in defining the source of Indo Aryans.
Everyone has a right to claim that they are the source of the Indo European, because like all children, everyone can say that. But it is the child who maintains strict adherence to the old ways of their parents, and shows minimal corruption to Sounds, Language, Religion, etc. can be used as a hint to where the Parent Civilization actually belonged to, by searching for the child who have maintained the closest connection to this Parent Sound, Language, Religion, etc.
This way, some villages in South India, which PBS show showed, still carry the pre-vedic sounds, before 40,000 BC, of their ancestors, but has close connection with Vedic Period.
The next thing that comes to us as in heritage is the Vedic sounds of the Vedas. For this reason, United Nations has called it the Cultural In heritage of the World.
adjective: Capable of being corrected.
From Latin corrigere (to correct). Ultimately from the Indo-European reg- (to move in a straight line, to lead or rule) that is also the source of regent, regime, direct, rectangle, erect, rectum, alert, source, and surge.
ka-ra-ya-juh-bhuul - Helping or promoting to sacrifice a mistake
ka-ra - Helping, Promoting
ku-ra - To utter a sound
ya - something that needs to be done, to make it a Potential Particle from verb, and many a times "i" is used to join words, and it can also become "ya".
juha - Sacrifice
bhuul - Mistake
There is no root for "ko-ra", except for some nouns, and the retrograde sound, "ku-ra" means "to utter a sound", and the prefix "ku" typically is used to indicate a "bad something" or to attach a negative meaning.
Anyway it shows corruptions of initiated sounds to un-initiated sounds, e.g. from someone knowing and taught in the science of sounds and thoughts, to someone using without the training. Similarly, the sound "bhuul" becomes "buhl", which backs what is said.
This points west-ward migration of the Indo Europeans, from North Western Indian Sub Continent, e.g. Sindu or Indus River area. This migration happened first in 40,000 BC and there seems to be many waves of "reverse settlements", as well as a major reversal from the North en side in 10500 BC, and this whole thing has added to the confusion in defining the source of Indo Aryans.
Everyone has a right to claim that they are the source of the Indo European, because like all children, everyone can say that. But it is the child who maintains strict adherence to the old ways of their parents, and shows minimal corruption to Sounds, Language, Religion, etc. can be used as a hint to where the Parent Civilization actually belonged to, by searching for the child who have maintained the closest connection to this Parent Sound, Language, Religion, etc.
This way, some villages in South India, which PBS show showed, still carry the pre-vedic sounds, before 40,000 BC, of their ancestors, but has close connection with Vedic Period.
The next thing that comes to us as in heritage is the Vedic sounds of the Vedas. For this reason, United Nations has called it the Cultural In heritage of the World.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Raumfüllende Kurven
Germans always felt very akin to India and felt their "Aryan" homeland to be close to India.
Raum - Raam, the epithet for Self Delight, and the Indian God of Perfection.
Full - phal - fruit
en - Instrument Ending
De - to give
Kurven - By doing
So something that gives the fruit of delight by some means of doing.
This just shows German populated Germany at the stage where they left off the Parent Stock when except for Language nothing much was developed in Civilization wise when Humanbeings were still in Forest Dwelling and perhaps settling into Farming but not liked by some people, as living by and on forest was an easy going task and farming was tough.
There is some evidence of Germans following the Tamsic or dark form of Shaivism, which is the cult of Sex, Drinks, Merry Making and Meat eating form of Shaivism when Men was in Forest.
We have evidence of Shiva in Europe and search the blog to get the postings.
Raum - Raam, the epithet for Self Delight, and the Indian God of Perfection.
Full - phal - fruit
en - Instrument Ending
De - to give
Kurven - By doing
So something that gives the fruit of delight by some means of doing.
This just shows German populated Germany at the stage where they left off the Parent Stock when except for Language nothing much was developed in Civilization wise when Humanbeings were still in Forest Dwelling and perhaps settling into Farming but not liked by some people, as living by and on forest was an easy going task and farming was tough.
There is some evidence of Germans following the Tamsic or dark form of Shaivism, which is the cult of Sex, Drinks, Merry Making and Meat eating form of Shaivism when Men was in Forest.
We have evidence of Shiva in Europe and search the blog to get the postings.
Elementary - a-lam-ant-tR
lam - to delight, to enjoy in sex,
ram - to delight, to arrest, to couple, to arrest,
alam -Indicative, later forms are 'aram' - enough, sufficient, sufficient, adequate, competent.
It could be prefix "aa" which means towards, that state of enjoyment or sufficiency, or as "a" which means "not to indulge too much but sufficient to carry on".
aram - Indicative readily, fitly, suitably.
ant - Strong suffix for Present Participle.
tR - Agent Suffix - as an Agent Noun carrying out noun.
ya - suffix to give "ness" form, some thing that makes you carry as an agent noun which symbolizes with enough, sufficient, adequate, readily, fitly, suitable - basically an elemenetary knowledge.
ram - to delight, to arrest, to couple, to arrest,
alam -Indicative, later forms are 'aram' - enough, sufficient, sufficient, adequate, competent.
It could be prefix "aa" which means towards, that state of enjoyment or sufficiency, or as "a" which means "not to indulge too much but sufficient to carry on".
aram - Indicative readily, fitly, suitably.
ant - Strong suffix for Present Participle.
tR - Agent Suffix - as an Agent Noun carrying out noun.
ya - suffix to give "ness" form, some thing that makes you carry as an agent noun which symbolizes with enough, sufficient, adequate, readily, fitly, suitable - basically an elemenetary knowledge.
may-tuhr-fuh-MIL-ee-uhs - maa-t-ur-paa-mali-uaH
Mother, Father, and Family
Words we take for granted today are parsed like a chemical formula of an alchemy of an ancient thought process used to communicate among human beings - which was designed to reduce any misunderstanding by defining precise rules to parse it.
This was man's first step towards moving ahead on the curve of civilization progress as important as the "discovery" of the zero" and the decimal system - without which we would not be here.
maa-t-Ri - is the Agent Nount root for Mother. The root 'ma' usually means 'to measure', 'to mete out' and usually used to indicate a "wish" or "prohibition'. So mother usually means an Agent, where "t-Ri" is indicative of that, with "t" making it an Action Noun, as Present Participle.
maa-t-uh or maa-t-uS - are the Genitive and Ablative cases, which indicate "of" and "from" sense with the word.
paa - to obtain, to protect. 'paal' would become someone who is the protector, the lord, the king. This is the basis for the names ending with 'paal' in North Western India to Babylonia (like Hammurabi's father was Amar-phaal and many kings from the region carried this name suffix).
mali - someone one holding and having possesion. In Sanskrit and Hindi, the world "maali" means the Gardner, one who tends to the Plants and Flowers as his own children.
paa-mali - phaa-mily - fa-mily - Note what happened to 'p' sound, and it became 'ph' sound, one is a Hard Sound and the other is a Aspirated Hard sound, and many speakers tend to make it that way, as we go more western wards.
uAh - makes it genitive. "u-AS", "u-Ar", "u-As", "u-Ch" are equivalent sounds and one can see some corruption and confusion taking place between the syllables. This is yet another indicative of Latin being a more recent language of immigrants' offsprings from its parent source.
The word I got from Anu Garg's Word-A-Day Posting.
Tunku Varadarajan; A New Queen Mum?; The Wall Street Journal (New York, NY); Apr 2, 2002.
"First we have Nora [Nina Poliakoff], materfamilias of the bizarre brood in whose home this absurdist mystery-farce takes place."
K.C. Compton; CSF Opener is a Metaphor For Confusion; Santa Fe New Mexican; Oct 14, 1994.
Words we take for granted today are parsed like a chemical formula of an alchemy of an ancient thought process used to communicate among human beings - which was designed to reduce any misunderstanding by defining precise rules to parse it.
This was man's first step towards moving ahead on the curve of civilization progress as important as the "discovery" of the zero" and the decimal system - without which we would not be here.
maa-t-Ri - is the Agent Nount root for Mother. The root 'ma' usually means 'to measure', 'to mete out' and usually used to indicate a "wish" or "prohibition'. So mother usually means an Agent, where "t-Ri" is indicative of that, with "t" making it an Action Noun, as Present Participle.
maa-t-uh or maa-t-uS - are the Genitive and Ablative cases, which indicate "of" and "from" sense with the word.
paa - to obtain, to protect. 'paal' would become someone who is the protector, the lord, the king. This is the basis for the names ending with 'paal' in North Western India to Babylonia (like Hammurabi's father was Amar-phaal and many kings from the region carried this name suffix).
mali - someone one holding and having possesion. In Sanskrit and Hindi, the world "maali" means the Gardner, one who tends to the Plants and Flowers as his own children.
paa-mali - phaa-mily - fa-mily - Note what happened to 'p' sound, and it became 'ph' sound, one is a Hard Sound and the other is a Aspirated Hard sound, and many speakers tend to make it that way, as we go more western wards.
uAh - makes it genitive. "u-AS", "u-Ar", "u-As", "u-Ch" are equivalent sounds and one can see some corruption and confusion taking place between the syllables. This is yet another indicative of Latin being a more recent language of immigrants' offsprings from its parent source.
The word I got from Anu Garg's Word-A-Day Posting.
(may-tuhr-fuh-MIL-ee-uhs) 
noun: The female head of a family, household, tribe, etcETYMOLOGY:
From Latin materfamilias, from mater (mother) + familias, from familia (household), from famulus (servant, slave).NOTES:
Paterfamilias is the masculine equivalent of the word.USAGE:
"Equally, as materfamilias, she [Queen Elizabeth] will have time to devote to the motherless Prince William, and to groom him for kingship while his father reigns."Tunku Varadarajan; A New Queen Mum?; The Wall Street Journal (New York, NY); Apr 2, 2002.
"First we have Nora [Nina Poliakoff], materfamilias of the bizarre brood in whose home this absurdist mystery-farce takes place."
K.C. Compton; CSF Opener is a Metaphor For Confusion; Santa Fe New Mexican; Oct 14, 1994.
They're too close to the trees to see the forest. People in California or New York understand that Alaska is not so big. They live in places where the wilderness once seemed limitless, but they know it disappears. -Edgar Wayburn, environmentalist and doctor (b. 1906)
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