Thursday, January 31, 2019

adibatic - AdI bhA t ik - Another Name of Brahman

adibatic - means in Thermodynamics that where no Heat is added or subtracted.

Western Scholars agree that Indians were first ones to understand the Conservation of Energy principles, when stating the Soul is never born or never dies.

There are two kind of souls: individual soul - the wave - and super soul - the ocean.

adI - bhA - t - ik  is beginning +  light (heat) + ness - the essence of Brahman that is not diminished or increased.  The sloka, "aum pURNam adA, pURNam idam,.." describes this Infnite Nature of Brahman,

"bhA" is to shine.  "t' makes it present active noun-adjective that something shines. Light is also carrier of Heat like in Radiation. "ik" makes it "ness" or something which is of that nature.