Thursday, June 1, 2017

smi-le,smit-t - vs smi-t and smi-T

smiT - as verb root means to love and to despise. In words I have seen such opposite meanings when regional boundaries are crossed. Like my gain can be enemies loss and the name of the event connote opposite meanings. In fights with loved ones we often say, "I hate you" and perhaps this phenomenon is old.

Now when one is in love, or in despise, one would also give out loving or sarcastic/ironic smile. It is like building a story around a word to create new words. It is what I discovered as my method to build a database and one basis for my Sanskrit Blog.

Past Participle of 'smiT' is 'smiTiT' or by Sandhills polishing simply 'smiT' and famine is 'smiTA'. So it is an adjective noun for a girl who smiles. Present participle will be close 'smiTN' or 'smiTaN' but needs to be polished. Since 's' is Dental, Cerebral "T", so it becomes Dental "t". Finally "smitA".

smit - means as adjective great laugh, smiled, blossomed,, expanded, and even blown.

I am not at all surprised to see "smi-le" connected with "smi-T" and "smite" also meaning "to hit" which could be related to the "hate state". Then notice "smi-th" are related to trades like blacksmith and goldsmith and the first tool was a flint based arrow or chisel or hammer.