Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Adishian - aa-desh-i-yan or a-desh-i-yan

Background Postings

Syria and Asyria - Brahman and Abrahm(an)

Romania and Armenia

Jordan, Petra, and Denudata - JnaarDhan, PitRa, DhenuDatta

Armenia's Sivas City and Indian's Shiva

King Minos of Crete and Manu of Hindus

Sumerian and Mt Meru

Adishian - Armenian Name.

aa-desh-i-yan - One who is loyal to his country, follows the dictat of the motherland.

aa- Preix for "towards"

desh - Place, Country, Land and comes from the root "diKS", to see.

i-yan - Suffix for Adjective/Noun Form like "ness".

a-desh-i-yan - One who is vagabound, has no country or place to stay.

a -Prefix for Negative Article.

desh - Place, Country, Land and comes from the root "diKS", to see.

i-yan - Suffix for Adjective/Noun Form like "ness".

The words like "garim-i-yan", " "nish-karm-i-yan", etc. are other examples.

Most likely the name origins from the Indian Gypsies roaming the European Continent, and Armenia having a history of hosting many Indian Diasporas.