Monday, November 2, 2015

Gau Da - God - Giver of Cow

Do my learned friends see connection between Sanskrit "Gau" and English "Cow"? Can you infer a Linguistic Rule here? When so much talk is going on Cow. Is there relation ship between Cow or "go" and "God"? God -> Go -da -> Giver of Cow? "a" is most confusing sound, which makes Ram, Yog, Krishn as Rama, Yoga and Krishna. The Proto-Germanic meaning of *ǥuđán and its etymology is uncertain. I come very close! smile emoticon

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Example of Mixing of Sibilants with X, Y, and Z

If you see X, think it to be Sanskrit "kSh".

If you see Z, think it to be Sanskrit Palatal Sh, or even other Sibilants like Cereberal Sh.

Google my blog for this related postings on Sibilants.

Christmas is basically Pagan Festival and seems to be spelled as "krishna - maasi".  Google on this aspect of Krishna-Christ link.  The meaning of Sanskrit "kRiShN" and "kRiST" mean the same, where one is Present Participle, and the other os Past Participle.  Before Chritistinity, Roman Kings have been pictured with Vaishwanite Signs and worshiping Black Baby Christ.

The English "spy" and Sansktrit "spaz" may be related.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trignometry - tRi+koN+maatR(i) - Three + Angles + Measurement

Trignometry - tRi+koN+maatR(i)  - Three + Angles + Measurement

The discovery of oscillating nature of Sin and Cos Ratios - tied with physical nature of cycling radius and oscillating horizontal and vertical points - was a giant step in understanding Nature.

The whole of Physics could not have made progress without it.  All attempts of Unifying all Nature's Forces owes to this fact.

This was also an insight to the Rotary Nature of Universe.

The first modern documented use goes back to Aryabhata in Surya Siddhanta.  To get a glimpse of this work, one can read Vedic Cosmogony.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Vivid - vividh, Run - rUN (go, river), Red - rudh, Phrygian/Fringe - Firangi

To be vivid or to see vivid means to see all possible angles or colors or details - like communicating with many different approaches and appeals to different senses.  Sanskrit "vividh" means the same.

Run means to go fast - perhaps like a River.  Sanskrit "rN" means to go. "ruNa" was a name of river during Mahabharat times flowing into River Sarswati.

Red - Rudh means Red.

Phyrgian - Language spoken in Asia Munor and Antolia (where Hittites and Mittites) lived.  This borders between Greek and Indo-Persian Language.  In Hindi Firangi means Foreigner or White Man.  Fringe means bordering something.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

French -> written "zhuh nuh se kwa" -> spoken "shrun nuh svaa kvaa" -> approximates to Sanskrit ""shru(t/n) nuh svaa kvaa"!

Linguistics is an interesting field.  The Language of Ancients is mainly dominated by Indo Europeans - and they span the globe (wondered why Swastika is found all over the Globe from the Ancient times?)

Sanskrit comes very close to this language of Ancients and it is based on a lot of theory of Logic, Rules, Sounds and Musicology.

Getting trained in a Spoken Language is a long processes.  We first hear words and then mimic the pronunciation of words. Sometimes we are trained like we are trained in Singing.  We may hear in head that we are singing correct, but not singing good actually, or singing good but the listener is not trained well!

For the learned this process was very sincere.  And these sounds were recorded like Musical Notations or Chemistry Formula by very precise rules of grammar and sound notations.  When the language diffused with migrations and mixings, sometimes the sounds were lost but the written words had the approximate signature of the old sounds, and sometimes the sound was retained in pronunciation but lost in spelling.  And sometimes the sound was lost for ever in the corruption of the pronunciation and recording!

English and many Western European Languages have "poor spelling" which indicates more mixing of immigrants in "recent" times vs Eastern European Languages have "good spelling" of the old sounds which indicates more isolation of speakers.

My game of Sanskritization follows: (1) Catching the units of sounds or syllables, (2) Following well known Rules of Sanskrit Grammar, and (3) Coming to Similar or Related Meaning (or Opposite Meaning as same word may mean Loss for one party and Gain for another party.  I justify this game by the reasoning of Permutation and Combinations going by factor of 1/26 x  1/26 x ...and so on for English Letters - or 1/52x 1/52 x .. for Sanskrit Letters or even higher for Vowelized Sounds in Sanskrit, like in order of  1/ (52 x 15) x 1/ (52 x 15).. roughly.  Yes there can be positive definite errors in this game.  Like "Obama" can be thought to be "O Brhama!" - but they do not come closer in meaning!!

So I played this game before my Linguistic Friend who just hates me doing this but does not know Sanskrit, and this time he kept quiet. :-) So here it goes.

He quoted this French Expression, "je na sais quoi" in one of the emails to educate and impress us when an article was shared by someone on how the usage of the word "actually" in a question and answer session hints at the insincerity of the person answering.  His saying was the word "actually" is "polysemic" (means many things) and "je na sais quoi".

Since I could not parse it using the approximation of well known heard unit of sounds in the spelling, I took the other route.  I found out how the sounded expression is supposed to be pronounced.

So it was: "zhuh nuh se kwa" - and now I saw the signature of IE or Sanskrit sounds!  Most of the times "z" is closer to Sanskrit sibiliants (s, S, sh, kSh, ksh), and particulary to sound "sh" but bad spellers have made it sound like "j" in English and other Western European Languages.  "t" can become "n" before nasal sounds and be repeated.

Literally, what it means, "I don't know what" or "an indefinable, elusive quality, especially a pleasing one!"

Now I know how it is pronounced I played my Sanskritization game using some pattern I have seen.

So I saw "shru(t/n) nuh svaa kvaa" with some refinements.

But what it means is, "hearing well indeed (pleasing one to ears) but by itself what it means (elusive)?  This is very close to the French meaning.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Surya (Syr) Dariya and Somu (Amu) Dariya are Puranic era names.  Later I will show the famous King Hamurabi's real name was Somu Ravi who can be seen uniting the Sun and Moon Worshipers.  He is Bablylonian King who was famous for his sense of fairness and known for Code of Conducts, which became the basis for Ten Commandments.  His father's name was Amar Pal and his lineage is full of Vedic names.   If you see his coins, you would see Sun and Moon images. This is the basis for countries called Syria, land of Sun Worshippers, and Asyria, land of Moon Worshippers. The fight between Suras and Asuras is a very age old one.

For more info, read my Backgound:

Amu Dariya is also Yakshaa and for Greeks Iaxartes (Ἰαξάρτης).  You will see the pattern of "Y" becoming "I", and sound ksh becoming "X".  You would see this pattern in many words when you go from East to West.

The earliest recorded name comes down to us as Jaxartes /ˌdʒæɡˈzɑrtiːz/ or Iaxartes /ˌaɪ.əɡˈzɑrtiːz/ (Ἰαξάρτης) in Ancient Greek. The Greek preserves the Old Persian name Yakhsha Arta ("True Pearl"), perhaps a reference to the color of its glacially-fed water.[3]

Syry Darya is Vedic Vaksh and Greek Ōxus.  You will see "V" becoming "O" and again "ksh" becoming "x".

The conversion of "Y" and "V" to "I" and "O" is the reversal rule of Samprassna rule in Sanskrit Grammar and other languages. You will also see that "Y" is sometimes written with "J".  That is why the river Yamuna is also called Jamuna.

In classical antiquity, the river was known as the Ōxus in Latin and Ὦξος Oxos in Greek—a clear derivative of Vakhsh — the name of the largest tributary of the river.[citation needed] In Vedic Sanskrit, the river is also referred to as Vaksu (वक्षु). The Avestan texts too refer to the River as Yaksha-arte.


The Surya (Syr) Dariya and Somu (Amu) Dariya are Puranic era names.  Later I will show the famous King Hamurabi's real name was Somu Ravi who can be seen uniting the Sun and Moon Worshipers.  He is Bablylonian King who was famous for his sense of fairness and known for Code of Conducts, which became the basis for Ten Commandments.  His father's name was Amar Pal and his lineage is full of Vedic names.   If you see his coins, you would see Sun and Moon images. This is the basis for countries called Syria, land of Sun Worshippers, and Asyria, land of Moon Worshippers. The fight between Suras and Asuras is a very age old one.

For more info, read my Backgound:

Amu Dariya is also Yakshaa and for Greeks Iaxartes (Ἰαξάρτης).  You will see the pattern of "Y" becoming "I", and sound ksh becoming "X".  You would see this pattern in many words when you go from East to West.

The earliest recorded name comes down to us as Jaxartes /ˌdʒæɡˈzɑrtiːz/ or Iaxartes /ˌaɪ.əɡˈzɑrtiːz/ (Ἰαξάρτης) in Ancient Greek. The Greek preserves the Old Persian name Yakhsha Arta ("True Pearl"), perhaps a reference to the color of its glacially-fed water.[3]

Syry Darya is Vedic Vaksh and Greek Ōxus.  You will see "V" becoming "O" and again "ksh" becoming "x".

The conversion of "Y" and "V" to "I" and "O" is the reversal rule of Samprassna rule in Sanskrit Grammar and other languages.

In classical antiquity, the river was known as the Ōxus in Latin and Ὦξος Oxos in Greek—a clear derivative of Vakhsh — the name of the largest tributary of the river.[citation needed] In Vedic Sanskrit, the river is also referred to as Vaksu (वक्षु). The Avestan texts too refer to the River as Yaksha-arte.


Many friends have joked at my attempts to Sanskritized words from other places outside India.

But considering Proto Indo European and Vedic Aryans seem to be same and spread over Globe, as confirmed by DNA Studies, Linguistics Studies, and even Archaeological discoveries, the I thought it makes sense.

My rules which make me come to a word should also be backed up by its current context and meanings, which may be the same, related or opposite (as my win is your loss).

Now lets us take two Rivers in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan.  One is Syr Darya and the other is Amu Darya.  I can easily say Dariya is Sanskrit Dariyaa (River).  And Syr is Surya (Sun).  So one is Sun River.  Now what about Amu.

Now when we see the reason why we are called Hindus, and other observations, we would know Amu is Somu, which means Moon. So it is Moon River.

How many people would now make fun!  I will give more evidence to this.
Sindhus becomes Hindus as one goes West.  And Saptaah (Week) becomes Hafta. So "Sh" becomes "H" or "A".  Both sounds are related, as those you have taken pains to learn Sanskrit and its Rules.  H is soft and Aspirated Sound and A is Hard Sound - but related like cousins.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bible Adam and Eve - and possible connection with Sanskrit Mythology

I hope people reading this post know their history of Jews who were kicked out from Babylon, which is a PIE Civilization (Genetic, Linguistics and Archealogical Studies back up this Civilization continuity in Space-Time spanning globe and time space of more than 40,000 years) , and in my analysis is a Vedic Aryan Civilization.  There are many pointers to this fact, and if one reads many postings, one would come to the same conclusion.  Notably read on Hammurabi ((S)omu-Ravi) being the Sun-Moon God who first tried to amalgamate the Sun-Worshippers (read on Syria-Assyria Splits) which is realated to the Vedic concept of Asura-Sura Splits.

Adam - Sanskrit: aadim.  In Sanskrit it means the first or most ancient man.
Eve - evaa. In Sanskrit the meaning of the name Evaa (इवा) is "one who gives life".

Ila - the first female born to Manu - is cognate of iva - or eve. "y, l, v" are neighboring semi vowels and we see sometimes they get mixed up.

Bible says in the beginning there was only one language and on religion. Most probably it points to PIE Language, People, Civilization and Religion. I call them Vedic Aryans. Why do they find Swastikas all over the world?