Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Old Pounds Surviving Time and Distance Separations

The purpose here is to show how ancient sounds survive in words with similar or related meanings surrounding old sounds.

हन् - kill or hunt
सित - sit (bound, tied, fastened, fettered)
सिट् - shit (disregard, despise)
घ - gunning (Striking, killing, destroying)
आस् - Use Arse to sit (o sit, lie, rest)
हृ - to win over, take, carry, convey, lead. etc., (related sounds like her, harass, hurt, hurry harsh, hasten. etc. are related words than can describe a story of a war or kidnapping where often women were the winning prize - note the common "h" and "r' sounds).
हरि - also means Horse and related to " हृ"
स्विद् - sweat
क्षिप् - ship (throw, cast, send, dispatch, discharge, let go)
स्तम् - stammer (confused or agitated)
स्तंभ् - stump ( post, prop, support, up, stiff, rigid or immovable)