Saturday, December 23, 2017

English Words Encoded With Sanskrit Wisdom

The Sanskrit word for Birds is "vI" or "vii". The shape of wings in birds is "v". The aerodynamic principle is encoded in "v" shape.

The English word "have" indicates a gratified want. In Sanskrit "havan" is the sacrificial incitatiins and callings, albeit prayers, for gratifying our needs.

Night - nukt(a)

How many educated can understand the relationship? They are same.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Black Sea in Russian = kRSNA Udara

In Sanskrit, Sea is called sam-udara.

udara is basically connected with udder in English, whose Sanskrit is udhara, udhanI, udharA.

Black - kRSNA or someone that attracts everything.

Sea - is udara.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Grab and Voice - grabh and voca

tgey mean the same or related.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Roar, elope, lopping-off - ror-Si-ya=ti, lopa, lopa

Roar -ror-Si-ya-ya-ti. the root is "ru" to cry or make sound.
elope - same as Sanskrit lopa.
lopping-off - lopa which means lopping off.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Ancient Greeks and Romans Worshipped AUM

There are 3 words that give us the clue, besides Greek being Sanskrit's daughter or sister, depending on whom you ask, and Latin is Greek's daughter.

I have often found that the languages of countries closer to India, like Russia, are more closer to Sanskrit.

AUM is also written as OM, as A+U = O.

The 3 words are: OM-ni-present, OM-ni-scient, and OM-ni-potent - the three attributes of the Super Soul or AUM.

AUM is Brahman. 

AUM is Sat-Chit-Anand or (Ultimate and Everlasting) Truth- (Final Summum Bonum, Sentient and Ultimate Knower) Consciousness- and (Constant Elixir) Bliss

Scient - is Summum Bonum, Sentient and Ultimate Knower or the "Chit".

Potent - is Constant Elixir which wipes all Cycle of Temporary Lasting Sorrow and Happiness (it is beyond happiness) and the word Potion goes to it.  It is medicinal. It makes one immortal as one identifies oneself with the pure soul - without any desire, without any karma, and without any memory, when individual soul merges with the super-soul.

Now we will parse Present.  There is a saying that the present is the present!  This is to remind us to live in the present.  In Sanskrit, present is 'pra-saad'.  One can see the corruption going on, e.g., pra => pre. saad -> se(n)t, as "t" and "d" are also related.  "present" is also "pre-set" as per the Karma Theory, another word for Destiny or Fortune.  Past Karmas express themselves in this or coming lives. The karma of this life, or the right ful action (desire-less, ego-less) with rightful knowledge (knowing the Truth), can pre-empt the past Karmas.

The root "brah" means to expand. There are two kinds of Space. One is Geometric Space which was always there,  Then there is a Physical Space which is full of Prana or Dark Energy.  Science has found this to be ever increasing, and this is what Brahman means, applying to both (as two are described to explain the static and dynamic nature of the same).  The ultimate truth is Brahman and it is the Space.

It is only the Space which is present as presence, and present as given.  This is the Om-ni-present and present all over over.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sweat - svedah, Divine - devah, Angel - aNjali

Sweat is svedah in Sanskrit.
Divine is related to God and dev-ah in Sanslrit, though the dev-il becomes opposite, which shows how Semtic relgions became A-brahmanic from Brahmanic.
Angel - aNjali. Here we fold our hand and offer water - do angali - to Gods or their Messengers or Angels.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Darvidian, Druid - drav-vidyA-N

The south was sa-arth (which means with purpose, as east is ast, west is vvast ot uuast ot Ust, and north is na-arth).

When we do ceremonies, we face east and right hand is facing south. Right hand also means dextrous and is connected with dakS-tra-uah (which becomes ous in Greek). This is why South was called dakS-iN.

I always found South people to be more Spiritual and Intellectual - this can be explained historically or through Islamic Conquest (why do so many Tamil Brahmins still chant in Sanskrit?). In fact India is saved because of South (imagine India full of Punjabi Islmic confused people).

I think dravidians is basically drav-ya-vidyA-N or the people who relic the sutble spirt(ual) nectar knowledge pracrioner. This is also blessed by the Shaivism fact which also has aspects of Yoga and Vedenta. This is my Shaivism and Siddhas were more prevelant. Britishers could not spell it.

Druids are also drav-vidyA-N

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Siddhi, Siddha and Siddiqui

I will show the relationship between Siddhi, Siddha and Siddiqui.

In India, siddha are perfect Yogis. The first principle of 8-steps Yoga is Yama which also has Satya or Truthfulness. It is abbreviated form of siddha-ka for male and siddha-kA for female. Siddhi are powers attained in the path of Yoga.

Mohammad's wife Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr. was called al-siddiqa bint al-siddiq,

The descendants of Abu Bakr are called Siddiqui but later it may have been abused to indicate a great power bearer and false origins. Mohammad was also called al-saddiq.

"al" is a definitive article like "the".

She is called the siddhi-kA daughter of the siddhi-ka (of Abu Bakr) or the truthful woman, daughter of the truthful man.

The adjective truthful also means perfect.

The sound "a" and "A" or "aa" are very confusing, and hence Ram, KrishN and Yog become Rama, Krishna and Yoga

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Land in Scotland. Ireland and England

For a long time I was wondering the etymology of the English word "land".

In Sanskrit the word "laND" means also toss away or toss around. It also means excrement and speak. In colloquial Hindi it has taken a negative meaning for Male Genitalia, where other meanings are still relevant, like excrement and toss around.

Now I understand the "land" first must have meant the countries that got formed after the sea tossed them away from the main land. No one would call their land as "place of excrement" or "land which speaks" (or unless the sea waves and wind make so much of sounds in a small island). A lot of times a word had polymorphic attributes associated with it.

I had already parsed Ireland as Arya-Land. England I think is uNGl-land as it is finger shaped and I have seen somewhere else this is also mentioned, The spelling may be incorrect. Scotland is "skat-land". I do not know of any other countries having suffix as "land". The Indus Valley Shiva or Pashupati is seen in Ireland and Demark. So "skat" could be "skand", or son of Shiva. Please read Celtic Druids and they are known to be Brahmins from India. This fact is well accepted in academia and DNA and Linguistics also endorse it.

It is already established that Man from Indian continent stepped in to Europe around 40,000 BC.

The Wikipedia says it is connected with Gael or Gathalik. In Spain and France area, there used to be Asthagoths and VIsigoths or asta-gotRa and viShi-gotRa or eiight and twenty'th clans. The Gathalik could be connected with "gotra" or "gatha" or "story tellers by singing".

Japan - or ja = pAN, Crete = kRit and Catilan - kati-l-an or kati-laN(D) are countries named after they got separated from the main land after the last Ice Age and when Great Floods happened. kati-laN(D) agains points to this use of land to show land that was tossed away into sea.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Calculation - Differential Calculus - चलन-कलन - chalan-kalan


English is a very bad in what is being written and what is being spoken.  It is language of ancients from England who did not understand Sanskrit so well.  In Sanskrit there are 52 letters and rules to make new letters and words, and morphing of sounds.  In Ancient Times, the Science of Music was closely related to learning how to make sounds that meant by words.

च" is ch but becomes "c(a)" as "a" is ambiguous sound.

न" is na and ending for Active Present Participle.
"चल" becomes "cal"

कल" remains "cal" but knowing the subject, I think it is connected with slope, "कूल" got corrupted.

Repeating sounds to convey words meaning what it sounds like when making is called "
onomatopoeia" and here is a past post.  It could be that there was a practice of sounding the bell or water clock, and these sounds were "kal"-"kal" sounding.

In the past I parsed "Calculus" like this:

The reason being "kul" also means  movment  "to accumulate , collect Dha1tup. xx , 12 ; to be of kin , behave as a kinsman ib. ; to proceed continuously or without interruption ib. ; to count "

Calculus originated in India (check on Cambridge Paper on the subject), and it was used to keep the Almanac for Farming, Astronomy for Religious Purposes, and Ca lander, all inter-related.

Calculation has "cal-cal" sound with it.

In Differential Callculus Slope is very important.  The foundation of it goes back to Indians using "Differences" and "Interpolation" to calculate the Sin of things like 1 degree.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

smi-le,smit-t - vs smi-t and smi-T

smiT - as verb root means to love and to despise. In words I have seen such opposite meanings when regional boundaries are crossed. Like my gain can be enemies loss and the name of the event connote opposite meanings. In fights with loved ones we often say, "I hate you" and perhaps this phenomenon is old.

Now when one is in love, or in despise, one would also give out loving or sarcastic/ironic smile. It is like building a story around a word to create new words. It is what I discovered as my method to build a database and one basis for my Sanskrit Blog.

Past Participle of 'smiT' is 'smiTiT' or by Sandhills polishing simply 'smiT' and famine is 'smiTA'. So it is an adjective noun for a girl who smiles. Present participle will be close 'smiTN' or 'smiTaN' but needs to be polished. Since 's' is Dental, Cerebral "T", so it becomes Dental "t". Finally "smitA".

smit - means as adjective great laugh, smiled, blossomed,, expanded, and even blown.

I am not at all surprised to see "smi-le" connected with "smi-T" and "smite" also meaning "to hit" which could be related to the "hate state". Then notice "smi-th" are related to trades like blacksmith and goldsmith and the first tool was a flint based arrow or chisel or hammer.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Etymology of Eve, Adam, Evil and Naive

In past I have talked about the words like Satan and Devil being connected with "sanatan" and "dev" words of the Vedic Aryan for their Religion and God - and words of Abrahminic Religion(s) to show their hatred towards Vedic Aryans. Jews were kicked out from Babylonia but still retain ceremonies like the Thread Ceremony of Vedic Aryans or Coming of the Age ceremony.

Vedic Aryans were all over the Globe and also in Middle East. They worshiped Snakes. At sites like Nevali Cori and Gobleki Tepi, worlds oldest and 12000 years old Temple, they have found evidences of Vedic Religion. In Nevali Cori, they have found the shaved head of a priest with a pony tail like snake.

I was watching a documentary on Gobleke Tepe and they mentioned about the Kundalini Awakening when one's Consciousness is altered for better Spiritual Union and Oneness.

Now it strikes me the word "nevla" is for an Animal who eats the Snake.  So Nevali is basically "nevlA' and
"suri" is "surya" or Sun, which has become "curi". It is often seen "c" can replace "s" sound.

So "nevlA suri" would mean "Destructing Sun". Not evil is Sun. In Sanskrit, 'na-iv-l" would mean "Not Like (ness)".

The snake is represented as "evil" and "nevlA" is "not evil".  "Sun" is represented as the shining Consciousness and depicted by the Nervous Plexus seated at Pineal Gland or Shahsara.  That is the Final Eye.  The Third Eye is below and between the Eye Brows. The Third Eye is considered Opened when one Enlightened. And when one is Spiritually Merged with One, the Final Eye is Awakened.

So "Eve' is opposite of "not evil".  She enticed Adam on the urging of the Snake which is considered Evil.

Adam is connected with the word "aadau" or "the beginning" and also with root "adau" which is the root  for "eating".  In fact "eat" and "adau" are connected.  Adam ate the Apple. Man is called "aadmi".

Apple is called "seb" or "saa-iv".  The root "sa" is for verb "is,  are, or being". Or "being like". In one interpretation "Eve" is with Apple or "sa-iv" or "sa-eve".

Naive is also connected. 'na-iv" or like "nevla" or "na-iv-l" is the obe which is not eaten the Apple or "saa-iv" or "saa-ev".  So Naive is the pure person who has not been corrupted by the ways of the World, Materialism or Sensual Things. Like Child is Naive.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Etymology of Cypress

The etymology of Cypress showing land cut off from main land after Great Floods. Similar analysis has been shown for Islands of Crete, Japan and Catlina Islands.

"c" is also "s", and "ch" is "sh". Sibilants like Palatal or talvaya "sh", Dental or dantaya "sa", retro flex or mURdhanys "S" and compound "kS" as (k)S(h)atri or "ksh" are often confused by Westerners who are not trained in old Vedic Aryan Sanskrit sounds. The letter "x" is crude replacement for "kS", like in X-mas or Christmas. "z" for "sh" and other variants. "s" for "sa". Cerebral sounds in normal English sounds are dropped or approximated.

kSip or same as English Ship means tossed or thrown away. By this act it is also transported.

Friday, April 28, 2017

sri - sir, voh, who

It reminds me that the Sanskrit was once influencing the World as the language and there are so many proofs based on Gene, Linguistics and Archeology. Most of the History has been written by English Colonials and German Orientalists. 

There is also proof that Devnagri was influencing all over the world. I have shown proofs of these characters there in Egypt, Babylonia, Turkey, Antoloa, Minonians and even in North America. This is what has survived as DNA traces of a history that has been literally white washed, thanks to the Internet.

sri - is a respectable honor name and indicative of post Vedic Aryan period.  In English this has survived as Sir, a pattern seen where letters are juxtaposed by the illiterate or the uninitiated.

voh - means "that person". In Sanskrit this word is not there. It is a Hindi word. In English it survives as "who".  "w" is nothing but two "u" and the later's semi vowelized sound is "va".  "who" is "voh" with "h" and "o" transposed.

Sri - Sir,

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Cup - Kapal

If one sees Indian Sadhus, many times they use Skull as a cup from ancient times.

In Sanskrit, the word for Skull and Jar is 'kapAla'.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Vignettes -> vi + gNy + it

Sanskrit - vi + gNy + it - Undertaking + Knowing/Learning + Past Participle -> Followed Path of Learning or Adapting to Learning, which is nature of "vine" and what the word means.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The root 'mar'

marya - youth in Mitanni Sanskrit.

maRitus - Latin for husband

Other words - martial, marriage

marya - In Sanskrit, lover, suitor, mortal, limit,

mar - in Sanskrit means death, killing, dying.

Mars is a dead planet.

Marsh land is dead land for agriculture.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Industrialize - Indus-tRi-ya-lize

Indus - The Indus Valley was the most Ancient and Advanced Civilization.

The Phoenicians were paaNikanah or paaNikanaas of the Vedeas. They roamed the Oceans and also settled on the North Land of Levant.

These people were adventurous, knowledgeable, hardworking and advanced. 

The word "Indus" is a Common Noun but it actually cognate of Sindhus.

The Agent Noun would be Indus-tR(i).

And Adjective out of it, will be Indus-tR(i)-ya.

"R" is also "Ri"

Human - Hanuman

Saturday, February 18, 2017

How did Indian's discover Zero and Decimal System?

The hint came from Solar Orbits. This also addresses how Indian's discovered Zero and Decimal System.  This also establishes Indians knew Astronomy and Gravity well.

This was a very interesting exercise.  I was already given the clue: "chan-chan." is "sun-sun" for it being a very ever sunny site.

I thought in Sanskrit, there would be sounds like that from where the sound for Sun came out.  And I found two words.

The word for Sanskrit Sun is "sunuu".  And the word for verb "go" is "shun" where "sh" is palatal and can also become "ch" or even "z", (English letter 'x' is  Sanskrit Compound Sibiliant 'kS' or 'ksh', Dental 's' is 'sa', Palatal 'sh', 'ch' or 'z' are 'z', and there is none for Sanskrit Cerberal "S').

The Sanskrit word for zero is "O" is "shunya", and it looks like it looks like a circle and the attribute of sun as orbit is "go-go" or perpetual going. 

Indians may have got the idea of Decimal System and Zero by looking at the Solar Orbits and they completing perfect cycles before starting from scratch or zero again!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

South American Site - chan-chan = sun-sun

This also addresses how Indian's discovered Zero and Decimal System.

This was a very interesting exercise.  I was already given the clue: "chan-chan" is "sun-sun" for it being a very ever sunny site.

I thought in Sanskrit, there would be sounds like that from where the sound for Sun came out.  And I found two words.

The word for Sanskrit Sun is "sunuu".  And the word for verb "go" is "shun" where "sh" is palatal and can also become "ch" or even "z", (English letter 'x' is  Sanskrit Compound Sibiliant 'kS' or 'ksh', Dental 's' is 'sa', Palatal 'sh', 'ch' or 'z' are 'z', and there is none for Sanskrit Cerberal "S').

The Sanskrit word for zero is "O" is "shunya", and it looks like it looks like a circle and the attribute of sun as orbit is "go-go" or perpetual going. 

Indians may have got the idea of Decimal System and Zero by looking at the Solar Orbits and they completing perfect cycles before starting from scratch or zero again!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ion, Ionian - Sanskrit Suffix aayan, aayanaa

Sanskrit "aayaN" in RamaayaN means (story) following of "rama".

Sanskrit "aayanaa" or "aainaa" is mirror, the reflection follows you.

English suffix "ion" or "ionion" mean the same.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Mag-ic-an - maga

Sanskrit is maga.  The "ik" is like "ness" or adjective and "an" is like Plural Objective or Accusative. Sun Priest also is called "maga".