Ammuniation - Rounds of bullets are called 'ammunition', that which go to their destined targets without having any mind of their own in discriminating anyone, and yet they seem to pose a figurative mind of their own as if when hitting their chosen target.
an-a-mana-sya-yaan - an-mana-sya-yaan
vehicle bearing mind and no mind
mana - mind
sya - suffix for genitive case
yaan - that goes as a vehicle
a - negative particle before words starting with consonants
an - negative particle before words starting with vowels.
So how does a word that describes having a mind of its own and yet not having any discriminatory mind of its own shall be formed? It can be by using a double particle!!
Now bring the rule of "a" being built into consonants, e.g., na = n, ma = ma, and 'n' becoming 'm' as both are nasals, one is labial nasal and the other is labial dental. And then approximate "a" as "u", and you would see the word become "ammuniation".
Do people pronounce "a" as 'u"? Yes
Does language convert "n" to "m" sounds? Yes
Does "na" is same as "n" in transliteration? Yes. "a" is the most ambigous sound, like Rama is Ram and Krishna is Krish actually.
So what does it point? The English words have been coined by people who had no education in classical language and were illiterate in the science of sounds, which the ancients were. It points to the language of unconverted and uninitiated ones - or the generations after their ancestors left their homeland and immigrated to new lands.