Sunday, June 7, 2009

Estrogen and Testerone - astra-jaan and ta-iST-ra-ya-aan


Female Harmone that is instrumental in the reproductive cycle which makes a woman bear an egg that awaits fertilization by Man's sperm.

astra-jaan - instrument that gives life

as-tra - instrument

as - is strong root for verb

as-t - to make it into action noun as present participle

as-tra - to make it into an agent noun.

jaan - life

ja - to give birth

aan - Singular Agent Present Participle indicating Action Noun.


The male equivalent of Estrogen and that causes sperm creation in a Man.

ta-iST-ra-ya-aan - that follows or yields to its desired "goal".

ta - pronoun for that

iST -desired - "S" and "T" are Cereberal sounds (with tounge rolled up and touching pallets, while trying to pronounce "s
and "t", which in Sanskrit and Hindi are treated as separate sounds).

iSTra - agent

ya - to go, to follow,

aan - to make it into a Singular Present Participle.