Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Britstol - vR(i)ST-tal

Bristol fashion

(BRIS-tl FASH-uhn)

adjective: In good order.

We know the term is coined after Bristol, England, but we are not so certain why. Some believe the term alludes to the prosperity of the city from its flourishing shipping business. Others claim that the term arose as a result of the very high tidal range of the port of Bristol: at low tides ships moored here would go aground and if everything on the ship was not stowed away properly, chaos would result. The term is often used to describe boats and typically used in the phrase "shipshape and Bristol fashion".

There are many examples of people pronouncing "b" as "v" - like the Bengalis of India calling the rain as "briSTi".

vRS - In Sanskrit means, to rain, to pour, pour forth, effuse, to distribute, to overwhelm, etc.
"v" is the Labial "v", "R" and "S" are Cerebral "Ri" Vowel and "S" Cereberal Sibiliant Vowel.

vRSt -> bRST - Past Participle, "Something which rained, poured, etc". Here Dental "t" becomes Cerebral "T" because previous two letters are Cerebral.

Tal - mean surface and usually used to indicate a watery surface. "A-tal" would meain mountain, something that is not a leveled surface, and it is what the meaning of the Indian Prime Minister "Atal Vihaari Vajpayee" meant, as as as the meaning of "Atilla The Hun", where "Atilla" is actually "Atal" which also becomes "Atil" as Adjective and means "unmoveable", which is same as the word "Atal". Double "l" and single "l" are equivalent, where one can be dropped, and "a" sound comes because of confusion between English and Sanskrit letters having or not having a built in sound of 'a' - respectively - like "Rama" in English and "Raam" in Sanskrit, and also "Krishna" in English and "kRSN" in Sanskrit.

vRST-Tal -> vRSTal - which means a level created by poured, rained, overwhelmed water distribution - which is what the etymology says.